Example sentences of "for [pron] [noun pl] of [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Reader Emeritus in French Literature at the University of Oxford and Honorary Fellow of Somerville College , who was ‘ well known for her studies of the lives and works of writers such as Baudelaire , Rimbaud , Gautier , Eliot and Gide ’ ( I quote her dust-wrapper ; first edition , of course ) , who devoted two large books and many years of her life to the author of Madame Bovary , chose as frontispiece to her first volume a portrait of ‘ Gustave Flaubert by an unknown painter ’ .
2 Pubs could become for her extensions of the office , places to put on a good show for the Yard , swilling pints of bitter with the lads to enhance her image .
3 Asked for her impressions of the events of the past six months , Vera admits to twinges of pessimism about the slow rate at which progress is being made .
4 As we pile into a rented car , I express my thanks for her portraits of a city which headlines and Hollywood love to distort .
5 Hatchards in Piccadilly was crammed to bursting with authors last Wednesday for its Authors of the Year reception , the annual event the bookshop stages to enable authors to get together with each other , and not a publisher in sight .
6 The hunters had drawn straws for their positions of the evening , which in order of desirability were : sack man , head man , tail man and middle man .
7 In particular , if a historical perspective enters into the survey it may well be quite invaluable to interview old people for their memories of the community as it was so many years ago .
8 er and Chairman I must say that as to request from County Council at Molds and County Council at Harson , from the Ipswich Borough Council for their copies of the plans which you have not yet received , I have to decline the protocol it takes that this committee is the first to see the county surveyor 's proposals , and I ca n't give any other elected member within Suffolk prior treatment over that to be quite honest .
9 For all the apparent scepticism levelled at these bodies from other quarters , the senior financial officers canvassed for their views of the ICAS research study found little to question in its setting out of the existing problems and the responsibilities for central elements of corporate governance .
10 Two of his photographs were chosen by Life for their pictures of the year
11 Interestingly , in masers , the first electromagnetic wave devices for which equations of the Lorenz type were developed , the problem was that y " in the then best-available cavities was so large compared to y and I " that 2C ( which is in this limit ) was again impossibly high .
12 ( 2B ) For the purposes of this Act , the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following ( among others ) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods — ( a ) fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied , ( b ) appearance and finish , ( c ) freedom from minor defects , ( d ) safety , and ( e ) durability .
13 David Mills , the erstwhile head of the Hazardous Chemical wing of Her Majesty 's Inspectorate of Pollution ( HMIP ) — and well known for his criticisms of the lack of effective policing of what he defends as largely sound rules — says that placing high-temperature incinerators in some sort of hierarchy of risks is ‘ a terribly subjective business . ’
14 Underwater photographer Norbert Wu has been acclaimed for his studies of the plants and animals living in the oceans of the world .
15 Once again our hopes for his affairs of the heart are dashed .
16 He would also be remembered for his visions of the future , even if these did not always command universal understanding .
17 Despite an advertisement in his novel , ‘ Romany Rye ’ for a forthcoming book on Cornwall , none was produced , so we have to depend on his notes for his impressions of the county .
18 He was asked about the girl 's progress and about her ability ; he was asked for his impressions of the family .
19 Commenting upon the results of the survey , Richard Young , well known for his images of the Royals , commented : ‘ As long as the Royal subject is in full public view and the photographer is not doing anything he should n't , like trespassing , there is no reason at all why the press should be banned from taking their photograph .
20 The discovery of articulated Ordovician heterostracans has other more general implications for our ideas of the evolution of the vertebrate skeleton and tail structure .
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