Example sentences of "for [pron] [adj] [noun] at the " in BNC.

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1 I was trained for my new work at the main ARP centre in the Fulham Road .
2 On Tuesday , the Queen was wheeled out for her first-ever appearance at the European Parliament to give what the Guardian wittily described as the ‘ royal oui ’ to the EC .
3 After she gained her private pilot 's licence , she was an instructor at a flying school at Biggin Hill before sitting for her commercial ticket at the age of twenty-one .
4 It was her first solo foreign trip representing the royal family and she returned home to praise from the public for her dignified manner at the highly charged and at times mawkish funeral service .
5 And did he know the reason or could he offer any explanation for her unusual demeanour at the meet ?
6 It may seem harsh to criticize the Labour government for its inner-urban Policy at the end of the 1970s — there was little time for the introduction of a comprehensive programme of action towards the cities before the political realities of the 1979 election .
7 According to press reports Karami believed that his government had been penalized by the West for its close links with Syria and for its strong commitment at the Middle East peace talks to an Israeli withdrawal from southern Lebanon .
8 A report in the New York Times in late March 1990 quoted US intelligence sources as saying that Iraq had recently completed the construction of six launchers for its al-Husayen missiles at the H-2 air base in western Iraq near the Jordanian border .
9 If there are two parties each putting forward programmes which they are pledged to carry out if elected to government , and which they are able to carry out because they possess sufficient internal cohesion , then the electorate in choosing a programme ( and a programme at that which has been drawn up to appeal to their interests ) mandates a party to carry out its programme and holds the party accountable for its adequate fulfillment at the next election .
10 A place of historical interest in its small way , especially for its sudden death at the end of the fourth century , after the legions that were its life and its protection had been withdrawn .
11 With Regis and individual finalist David Grindley set to link up with Roger Black and Kriss Akabusi , there is every chance of a fascinating battle with the Yanks , who want revenge for their sensational defeat at the world championships in Tokyo .
12 Solange Auxias de Turenne had the idea of staging an open air exhibition of Moore 's sculptures in Paris after visiting a garden made especially for his large-scale bronzes at the Fondation Pierre Gianadda in 1989 ; the suggestion by the City of Paris to use the Gardens of Bagatelle was approved by the Director of the Henry Moore Foundation , Sir Alan Bowness .
13 Are they doing the publicity for his new musical at the King 's ? ’
14 On 15 January 1862 he submitted proposals to the tsar which became " the basic blueprint " for his multifarious activities at the War Ministry .
15 The suit had to be practical , which in practice meant seven different suits for different functions ( some worn mainly by stuntmen ) and two more for his damaged appearance at the end .
16 He chose for his presidential address at the Glasgow Congress the title " Divine Service for the Deaf : the Necessity , the Method , the Men " .
17 News of the sudden cancellation is no laughing matter for the hundreds of fans who bought tickets for his two-night run at the Rialto .
18 As coach and confidant , a father figure , he won the respect and often the love of the generation of cricketers with whom he worked , just as , in his own playing days , he was revered by Surrey and England supporters for his ceaseless conscientiousness at the crease .
19 On the other , we have still to wait for our final adoption at the Second Coming ( Rom. 8:23 ) .
20 " But why should we endure the hell of life in the colonies , mon vieux , if we do n't enjoy ourselves a little and try to put something by for our old age at the same time , heh ? "
21 November is the time for our big Rally at the Crystal Palace Sports Centre ; this year it will be on Saturday the 24th .
22 My contract ran until two weeks before my son Adam s Barmitzvah and we planned to spend Christmas in Massachusetts then drive down to New Haven to begin re-rehearsing for our American opening at the Long Wharf Theatre .
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