Example sentences of "for [pron] [pron] [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The make-believe pomp and affected circumstance of the people for whom they 'd been built , the doctors and lawyers and merchants and administrators of Empire who all , in one way or another , made their money out of trade but built houses like miniature castles , or palaces , to reassure themselves that they were closer to the Barons than lo the Peasants , and safe from both .
2 A maid who was whipped and beaten by two Arab princesses for whom she worked was awarded £300,000 damages in the High Court .
3 It was a most successful party , and the only person who failed to enjoy it was the one for whom it had been given .
4 He felt guilty towards the child who had not survived , for whom he had been named .
5 Luckily for them they had been fed and wormed regularly but no one had got near enough to handle them or consequently to put a halter on them .
6 Though she had said she was too young for them she had been enraptured by them in a tiny jeweller 's in Pollensa but Fernando had hurried her away saying he would buy her the real thing one day .
7 The Institute published guidance ( no longer extant ) on the need to state clearly the addressees of reports , the purposes for which they had been prepared and to exclude purposes for which reports were not intended .
8 On the day I came up here , there were no workmen and the deserted new village was occupied only by horses , wandering at liberty between the half-finished buildings , the machinery and the piles of materials — hardly the setting for which they had been intended when set loose for the summer to forage for themselves .
9 They wound Sycorax 's light dry spoil in two banana leaves , laid lengthwise and sewn together with dried strips of aloe , and then chose to dig a vertical grave at the foot of the saman tree , the designated place , for which they had been granted permission .
10 The times had called for a certain mood but it was the genius of American cinema that it could harness the talents of actors and actresses whose every word and gesture rooted the films in the society for which they had been produced .
11 In this job market , the qualifications for which they had been encouraged to strive at school were often of little use to them outside where ‘ who you knew ’ was often more useful than ‘ what you knew ’ .
12 Mr Shrigley said two of the women had died from the serious illnesses for which they had been admitted to the hospital .
13 In Soho the Partisan coffee bar , founded by the New Left Review — which had grown out of the New Reasoner in 1960- was attracting a far more Bohemian and disreputable crowd than the straighter new leftists for which it had been intended .
14 Inevitably , government help undermined the bank 's ability to do the job for which it had been established , and in 1897 the Poles opened the new Land Purchase Bank .
15 But the agency does have the job of approving materials and devices ( as well as drugs ) intended for the treatment of disease , and way back in the late 1960s it rightly concluded that none of the artificial hearts available was fit for the task for which it had been designed .
16 It had been particularly disastrous in Germany and Britain , the countries for which it had been designed .
17 Martha longed to show off her advancement in reading and writing , for which she had been noted in the valley , and was bewildered and humiliated when she could make no sense of the books she was given .
18 She also knew that it was probably quite beyond Mrs Bennett to appreciate that a trained nanny , even as young and nice a one as Karen , would not take kindly to being asked to do anything other than the job for which she had been engaged .
19 The Doria , their own ship , brought by the Venetians and Zacco from the Abruzzi , and a veteran now of the war for which she had been chartered .
20 Ms Wilikins did not look too happy with the question for which she had been given no prior notice .
21 In December 1986 she had had a transient ischaemic attack for which she had been given enteric coated aspirin ( ecotrin 300 mg/day ) .
22 His father-in-law , Alexander Grant , son of the 8th Laird of Glen Moriston , Invernesshire , had been Commodore of the small British naval fleet on the Canadian lakes and had served for 20 years on the Executive Council of Upper Canada , for which he had been rewarded with liberal grants of land in various parts of Canada .
23 Now , so close to the Last Days for which he had been prepared , Seth was what he was , and nothing less .
24 Duke Berthold sent neither the expected money nor the troops for which he had been asked nor the hostages , nor did he turn up .
25 North 's lawyers claimed that his 1989 trial had been marred by the absence of key witnesses , including former President Reagan , and by the prejudicial effect upon prosecutors , jurors and witnesses of the highly publicized testimony which North had given to the 1987 congressional inquiry , and for which he had been granted immunity from prosecution .
26 The panel also ruled that in relation to the convictions for accepting an illegal gratuity and for aiding and abetting the obstruction of Congress , the evidence should be re-examined " witness by witness , line by line and item by item " , in order to determine whether any of it had been " tainted " by North 's televised testimony to congressional investigating committees in 1987 for which he had been granted limited immunity .
27 When he 'd first arrived he had lived in a succession of bedsitting rooms on the west side , for which he had been charged extortionate rents by landlords who he never met ; the third night after coming to The Bar for the first time he had slept with someone who knew of someone who had a spare room at a much more reasonable price , and Boy had moved in .
28 But he was also a war hero who had commanded small ships in battles in the Channel , for which he had been awarded two DSC 's , and the son of Scott of the Antarctic who then , even more than now , was a national hero of mythic proportions in the eyes of most of us .
29 Mafouz 's record-breaking account of the school journey to the Natural History Museum , for which he had been awarded alpha double plus , was in pride of place .
30 A mission for which he had been chosen personally by Sabbah .
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