Example sentences of "for [art] [noun sg] of [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 So giving us a total income for the year of about a hundred and twelve thousand pounds .
2 However , one local authority should not receive double the amount of grant received by another only a few miles away for the provision of exactly the same level of service , which is the case at the moment .
3 East Lindsey has a very healthy distribution of nature reserves and conservation areas , meticulously maintained for the benefit of both the indigenous wildlife and the visiting general public .
4 The outcome of the review was very much in favour , not only of retaining the department , but also of increasing and improving existing services for the benefit of both the Council and the Governing Bodies of Sport .
5 It will reveal the limitations to the interpretation a player can give , say , Bartok 's ‘ Mikrokosmos ’ without the long hours of practice and thought which are currently necessary for the mastery of both the piano and the music itself .
6 FRANK SIDEBOTTOM , the man whose papier-mache head must be responsible for the loss of quite a fair amount of small coniferous growths , now has his own show .
7 Everyone has the gift of life — and for the sake of just a little pain over a week it 's a wonderful opportunity to take .
8 Public perception of the war in Europe was of a senseless conflict fought out in the mud and filth of Flanders , with thousands killed each day for the sake of only a few yards of territory soon lost in the next offensive .
9 During the coming year the Press will be installing a text handling system for the use of both the Publisher 's editorial and the Printer 's composition staff .
10 The distinction between these two ways of conceiving permission accounts for the use of either the bare or the to infinitive here .
11 These three decisions alone show the cutting-edge of semi-literacy winning over the high cultural standards that the BBC is supposed to stand for , and indeed the justification — the only one — for the subvention of over a billion pounds a year from the British taxpayer .
12 Rangers retain reservations about the security arrangements for the visit of even a reduced support .
13 All enrolling students are assigned to a personal tutor , normally an academic teaching in one of their fields , who has responsibility for a total of about a dozen students in various years of the Course .
14 Try Keezer 's own tune , Leilani 's Mirror for a cross-section of both the quality of the quartet and the young New Yorker 's evident writing abilities .
15 Planting began in 1969 , but in 1981 , 15 years after the scheme had begun , the whole was sold off for a fraction of almost the billion dollars that had been invested in it .
16 Unfortunately , once the initial silting has taken place , the weathering of the ditch is very slow , and such experiments need to run for a period of over a hundred years to gain the maximum results .
17 JEB Fasteners had purchased all the shares in a private company having relied on its accounts for a period of about a year since incorporation .
18 I have selected these six passages because they appear to me to call effectively for a rethinking of practically every aspect of the pre-1967 school curriculum in Tanzania — its underlying values , the structure , the balance between in-school and out-of-school activities , the content and pacing of the materials in relation to the age of the learners and the whole process and attitude towards evaluation .
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