Example sentences of "for [art] [noun] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I turned and started to head for the dunes at a slow run .
2 That is despite the fact that I am paying hundreds of pounds a year for the privilege of a so-called collection service .
3 All for the privilege of a little pussybumping !
4 First , any new source of revenue should be capable of producing a yield large enough to provide for the possibility of a substantial reduction in both grant and domestic rates .
5 ‘ No-one would go to the trouble to devise such an imposture , and kill at least once , probably twice , to maintain it , just for the possibility of a few snippets of military information .
6 When he told them that the Government could have used more oil at the power stations this summer and so built up coal stocks for the winter against a possible strike , but had n't , they merely retorted , ‘ More fool you ’ and thanked him for letting them know how strong their position was .
7 So , what is the best treatment for the patient with a solitary cerebral metastasis — biopsy and radiotherapy , or surgical excision and radiotherapy ?
8 Good nursing hinges on the ability to assess , plan , provide and evaluate care for the patient in a given set of circumstances .
9 Having just finished a talk to a class of candidates for the ministry in a major denomination I was ‘ verbally assaulted ’ by the principal of the theological college concerned who picked up on a brief reference I made to Creation and Evolution and proceeded to state in the strongest possible terms that many true Christians believe in the theory of evolution and reject the biblical account of a literal six day creation as recorded in Genesis .
10 It is common ground that it is for the governors of a voluntary aided school to decide who is to be admitted as a pupil and to lay down the admissions policy of the school .
11 Rather like the English WILL O'THE WISP , this light bobs at eye level and invariably presages death or mishap to any traveller who follows it , mistaking it for the lights of a welcoming farmhouse .
12 The chances of the man who was seen as a contender for the presidency until a few days ago , the former leader , Mr Alexander Dubcek , winning the post are now seen as receding .
13 Above all , the Prime Minister and the Government should be negotiating for the inclusion of a wider and more positive concept of economic convergence in the treaty than any that has yet emerged .
14 It is much harder to argue for an unclear and complicated arrangement for arriving at what is taught in schools than for the logic of a national curriculum .
15 MANCHESTER UNITED served notice on their rivals that they are on course for the Championship with a magnificent 5-0 slaughter of Coventry at Old Trafford yesterday .
16 The protocol disbanding the treaty , which called for the promotion of a gradual shift towards all-European security structures on the basis of agreements achieved at the Paris CSCE ( Conference for Security and Co-operation in Europe ) summit in November 1990 [ see pp. 37838-39 ] , was expected to come into effect by the end of the year , once it was ratified by all six parliaments .
17 Anyone confirmed as suffering from a prescribed industrial disease should receive compensation for their condition without having to wait for the findings of a long drawn-out court arguments .
18 Originally there were to be two of these , one for the preparation of a general statute and one to deal with local variations , but the arrangement proved unworkable and by the end of April 1859 there were four , each with responsibility for both the general and the particular aspects of its field .
19 The Madame lived to the age of 90. when she died , some time in the 1970s , the hotel was left to Abdulrahim , a Nubian from Aswan who had come to work for the Madame as a young boy before the Second World War .
20 For the compiler of a Manzoni catalogue raisonné , there are complications .
21 ‘ Merymose is a braver man than I thought , if he is going to Kenamun of all people for the help of a former scribe of the Great Criminal ! ’
22 The episteme rather delineates what Foucault calls a ‘ cluster of transformations ’ ; these , he suggests , enable the substitution of ‘ differentiated analyses for the themes of a totalising history :
23 9 Head for the sun with a red and black suitcase , £18.95 ; straw sun hat , £7.50 ; paper parasol , £5.25 ; cotton scarf , £8.15 ; straw neck purse , 95p ; and embroidered slippers , £7.50 ; Neal Street East .
24 However , even now the epidemiological evidence for the disadvantages of a sedentary lifestyle and Western diet in causing current epidemics of obesity and non-insulin dependent diabetes in the developing world provides a compelling basis for promoting primary prevention of these diseases .
25 If at the end of three months you decide that this is too elaborate for you or you 'd like to , if you need to see a week at a glance , er , you just call my office , send back the pages you have n't used , and we would exchange those er , for the equivalent in a different format .
26 186 names for the museum of a hundred days
27 The specifications were sent to seven suppliers who were invited to bid for the installation of a new system .
28 This example is for the installation of a new LIFESPAN Process , where none of the database details files already exist .
29 On June 30 the USA had called for the installation of a transitional government , thus indicating that it would no longer help Doe to remain in power .
30 I have attached an estimate for the installation of a cheap rate storage heater system , from MANWEB .
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