Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] [det] " in BNC.

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1 There may also be more room for professional bodies to discipline those whose conduct has not come up to expected standards but where proving dishonesty in a court would be hard .
2 I understand they run sightseeing trips for Allied servicemen in uniform some days . ’
3 They are seen as a consequence of the demands for instinctual renunciation of sexuality that the father demands of his sons .
4 Screen design has involved the standardization of button and text field formats as well as card and background layout for different areas of activity such as : .
5 The remaining metals were mainly used to modify the properties of the others by alloying and for specialised functions in construction such as joining by soldering .
6 For some sectors of industry this remained the situation until as late as 1955 .
7 Though some benefits and costs can not yet be valued , particularly wildlife habitat , and landscape conservation and enhancement , estimates of recreational values and of carbon storage can be calculated , and these , for some types of forest such as community forests , can make a big difference to the ‘ social profitability ’ of the investment , the commission says .
8 For this issue of LIFESPAN this field will always be 0 .
9 There is a word that 's used , there 's a term that 's used for this sort of effect this is the term it used to be called
10 Bob asked whether people had any preferences or dislikes for individual items of food such as the tapioca pudding he was about to serve .
11 If the costs and benefits do not differ for alternative opportunities under consideration these costs and benefits will be irrelevant to decisions .
12 Add to this the price of rinse aid ( between £1.29 and £3.50 for 500 ml ) and salt ( about £1.40 for 3 kg of supermarket own brand ) , and a litre of washing-up liquid seems a bargain .
13 After a long discussion , they decided that one of them should ask for more food after supper that evening , and Oliver was chosen .
14 You can fix tiny narrow shelves or racks to the inside of cabinet doors ; attach spice racks , hooks , more shelves ( to take cook books ? ) to the sides of cabinets ; add further shelves just above worktops on the splashback areas , and add shallow shelves 300–450mm ( 12–18in ) above cook tops and sinks with hooks attached to the edges for various bits of equipment such as measuring jugs and ladles .
15 Check for any areas of hazard such as pillars , radiators , chairs or competitors ' bags near the area — anything , in fact , that might cause you injury if you ploughed into it at speed .
16 The arrangement of rooms in royal palaces determined where the boundary lay ; and for any understanding of politics some knowledge of these rooms and their access is essential .
17 The under sheriff must hold on to the balance for 14 days in case any steps should be taken to make the defendant bankrupt , in which case he would have to pay the money he has recovered to the receiver .
18 But the measure seems certain to be killed off later in its parliamentary passage as ministers are planning to publish their own proposals for greater openness in government this summer .
19 The flooded pits also provide a suitable habitat for other types of wildlife such as otters , fish , bats , butterflies and dragonflies .
20 Enrolment forms are preprinted for most students before enrolment each autumn .
21 This is used for minor acts of disorder such as shouting and swearing which is likely to cause alarm or distress , displaying abusive or insulting slogans or throwing over dustbins and banking on doors in the common parts of blocks of flats .
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