Example sentences of "is part [prep] [art] [noun sg] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 That , wrote Harsnet , is part of the reason why I have chosen glass and not canvas or wood , that is why in my notes I have called it a delay in glass , which is to say a refusal of shit .
2 The company-car phenomenon is part of the reason why prices in the British car business stay stubbornly above those on the continent .
3 This is part of the reason why multibit refuses to lie down and die , not just in the case of Ariston , but with a number of other producers , Naim , to cite just one such .
4 Even Charlotte M.Yonge , who is not the most perceptive of Victorian novelists , is well aware that Mr Kendal 's retreat into his study is part of the reason why certain areas of Bayham have degenerated into slums .
5 The other major group of cell to cell adhesion molecules is part of the immunoglobulin superfamily .
6 If the graphics controller on your PC is part of the motherboard then you may need to disable it by removing a jumper switch , altering a DIP switch or running the BIOS setup program .
7 It is part of the wind down of NATO bases , following the end of the cold war .
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