Example sentences of "is of [noun] a [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although the petitioner was , for the reasons indicated , entitled to appeal as of right , the present petition by the petitioner is of necessity a petition for the grant of special leave to appeal and the grant of such leave remains discretionary : see Lopes v. Valliappa Chettiar [ 1968 ] A.C. 887 .
2 ‘ It is of course a hotch-potch of good and bad ’ said the Musical Times in 1930 , admitting that it also was nevertheless ‘ the hit of the season ’ .
3 If one is of course a member of a minority , let us say , one is a Jew or erm a socialist or erm a South German , erm then one is much more likely to cherish democratic values and federal values , and much less likely to accept authoritarian rule from above .
4 That is of course a child for the purpose of claiming a benefit .
5 And then even within two of you mentioned the European Commission , now the Commission is of course a part of what 's nown now known as the European Union erm it 's a particular branch but even within the broader framework , parts can play an important role erm within international affairs and the Commission has a particular role , not just within the European Union , but of course in international affairs generally .
6 The foregoing discussion has juxtaposed management and owner control , but there is of course a range of other influences that set limits to managerial autonomy .
7 It is of course a fact of life that the bankers may seek to renegotiate the vendor 's finance arrangements , particularly if the purchase price will be a significant realisation for the vendor .
8 This is of course a matter of judgment .
9 There is of course a difference between a flexible general programme , able to expand/develop/change emphasis , as and when circumstances alter/new needs emerge/relevant external courses present themselves , and waiting for a course to be advertised before a need is identified , or taken notice of .
10 This lease is of course a lease of part of the building and therefore the structure has been excluded .
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