Example sentences of "is to [be] [vb pp] [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 A BUGATTI motor boat found resting in mud in France is to be flown to its wealthy owner in California next month , 10 years after work began on restoring it at a Thames boatyard .
2 A much-publicised gateau factory is to be built in its place .
3 However , his view that each thing has an essence and that all its active behaviour is to be explained by its inbuilt conatus or striving to preserve its own essence has a strong Aristotelian flavour .
4 What he is mainly denying when he denies that there are final causes in nature is that the existence of each individual sort of thing is to be explained by its serving some cause beyond it , in particular some kind of human interest .
5 And in terms of credibility with a wider public the idea that the work of a school is to be appraised by its teachers and governors alone simply will not wash .
6 I believe therefore that our music is to be recognized by its melodies , and that it is highly important that they be distinctive , with clear-cut , decisive shapes .
7 Adult education is to be understood in its wider sense of continuing education ( Venables , 1976 ) that it is with reference to teaching undertaken in adult education institutes , community colleges , in further and higher education , as well as in organisations within the private sector of industry and commerce and the numerous private language schools .
8 Each language has its own patterns to convey the interrelationships of persons and events ; in no language may these patterns be ignored , if the translation is to be understood by its readers .
9 Increases in applied voltage must be accompanied by proportional increases in phase resistance if the winding current is to be limited to its rated value when the motor is stationary .
10 Now , six months after an American biographer , Donald Spoto , did a hatchet job on Olivier , accusing him of having a homosexual affair with Danny Kaye , the key is to be removed from its resting place .
11 Your leading article ‘ Deadly potential of the terraces ’ ( Echo February 29 ) , on the campaign to end all standing in our football grounds , is to be applauded for its common sense .
12 ONE of the best-known licensed clubs in Darlington is to be evicted from its premises because no rent has been paid since July 1990 .
13 In its latter role , ‘ theory is to be judged by its predictive power for the class of phenomena which it is intended to ‘ explain ’ ' .
14 A work of literature is to be judged by its effect on serious-minded purchasers , a comic book by its effect on children , a sexually explicit magazine sold in an " adults only " bookstore by its effect on adult patrons of that particular shop .
15 A stepping motor system has a pullout rate of 500 steps per second and a microprocessor is to be used for its open-loop control .
16 The whole system requires several people to operate it if it is to be used to its full capacity .
17 All food needs to be stored and prepared carefully if it is to be enjoyed at its best .
18 The History of Civilization series is to be reprinted in its entirety , beginning with four in 1993 .
19 Although , as has been argued already , the significance of the 1934 Congress is to be located in its general guiding principles rather than in specific theories , it is nonetheless worthwhile examining briefly the substance of the 1934 debate not only because it sets out the agenda for a detailed discussion of socialist realism , but also because Nizan 's second novel , Le Cheval de Troie , was produced , for the most part in the Soviet Union during 1934 in the shadow of the Congress itself .
20 Any untoward or awkward transition is immediately noticeable because it destroys the calm dignity that the human body needs if it is to be shown at its best .
21 The diminutive car 4 is a prize exhibit in the National Tramway Museum , and is to be restored to its 1885 appearance for its return to Blackpool in 1985 .
22 THE GWILI RAILWAY has recently taken delivery of a Great Western Railway horse box body , which is to be restored to its former glory for use on the railway .
23 Although the committee is to be congratulated for its lead on the need for change , this will be worthless unless it is willing to ensure implementation of those changes .
24 The Scottish Office is to be congratulated for its insight in identifying the growth potential of film in Scotland .
25 The Essex training and enterprise council is to be congratulated on its efforts to get the employment action initiative off the ground so quickly .
26 I agree with all those points , and the Essex TEC is to be congratulated on its success in getting those programmes off the ground .
27 The total of non-recyclable waste produced by industry and individuals is to be reduced from its present level of 20 million tonnes to 12 million tonnes by 2000 .
28 Here , ‘ symptomatic ’ reading is central : the literary text does not offer aesthetic or moral value , but is to be interrogated for its ideological implications .
29 One thing which will prove very disconcerting for a young puppy is to be left on its own in kennels after being in a home for just a few weeks .
30 The quality of ‘ education in the round ’ is to be found at its most developed in the small village school where the teachers so often become an integral part of the community in which they work .
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