Example sentences of "it must [vb infin] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think it must 've been hit by a car , ’ he said .
2 No but it must 've been talking about youngsters having cars
3 Of the pin placing at the 466-yard ninth , where the 144-strong field were a collective 114 over par , Woosnam said : ‘ Whoever did it must have been born with a spanner in his head . ’
4 L.G. said it must have been sent by someone in the audience who could write shorthand .
5 If it was n't exactly political pessimism of the order of ‘ mourir pour Danzig ’ it must have been alarming for Americans to hear from High Commissioner Pignon 's diplomatic adviser of the feeling that French interests were not important enough to die for because the country was being given over to the Vietnamese and when the war was over French influence would have disappeared .
6 It must have been irritating for you . "
7 ‘ Whoever did it must have been aiming at her head but thankfully they missed .
8 But it must have been based upon replicating entities with power over their own future .
9 I believe it must have been done outside the stable . ’
10 But it was open , I mean it must have been fenced in some way later on .
11 It must have been favoured by selection , in very much the same way as , say , the hard shell of lobsters was favoured .
12 It must have been killed in an avalanche or died in a blizzard earlier in the winter .
13 It must have been sheltered by a submarine ridge , for there were no currents to disturb the fine sediments on the floor or to bring in oxygenated water from nearer the surface .
14 It was recorded as early as 1749 , by the French astronomer Legentil , though presumably it must have been noticed in more ancient times .
15 Similarly , at the other end of the belt , Chalk was later discovered in south-west Ireland ( where it must have been noticed by the early surveyors , but they had evidently been too scared of their autocratic director to record such an unlikely phenomenon ) .
16 Over that time , it must have been cooked in an enormous variety of ways .
17 He admits that he took the vehicle , but says that it was already damaged when he got in or that it was not damaged when he left the scene and that it must have been damaged by someone who took it later .
18 It is not known where the Gospel was written but it must have been written for a Jewish Christian community .
19 It must have been written by some exasperated editor receiving streams of verbose articles from amateur authors .
20 It must have been written after his return to England in January 1120 , and probably not long after this date .
21 If the Gospel was written by the John Mark who is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles , then it must have been written in the first generation of the Christian Church , between 35 and 75 AD .
22 The house was more modern than she had expected — at a guess , she thought it must have been built between the wars .
23 At the time I thought little more about it , but later I realized that it must have been caused by some powerful pain-killing drug .
24 Secondly , it must have been imparted in circumstances importing an obligation of confidence .
25 It must have been mistaken for a deer . "
26 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
27 Before being able to close off an SPR , it must have been accepted by a LIFESPAN user ( to prevent it being passed on indefinitely if no one is willing to take responsibility for the work ) .
28 When it touched Parker it had evidently acquired a tremendous spin , and for a second it must have been spinning beneath me .
29 Thinking it must have been aimed at someone else , I glanced behind me .
30 Anything would do , but it must have been used by him .
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