Example sentences of "it as a [noun] of the " in BNC.

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1 Anti-Americanism has old roots in Germany , at least if one sees it as a continuation of the anti-liberal , anti-mercantilist sentiments of ‘ Englandhass ’ ( dislike of England ) .
2 They did not engage in an abstruse discussion of the technicalities of Trinitarianism but saw it as a paradigm of the religious experience of God .
3 Its originality and pleasing character will make purchasers adopt it as a member of the family .
4 The aim , after 1984 , was to keep spending ‘ broadly at its present levels ’ in real terms and reduce it as a percentage of the gross domestic product ( Cmnd 9428 , 1985 ) .
5 Instead of furthering a process of " national understanding " as Collor had hoped , the presentation of the new package served to deepen the rift between himself and the majority of the Congress who interpreted it as a sign of the government 's weakness .
6 Right so you can use it for almost anything to show but it , it 's showing it as a fraction of the whole thing .
7 The garment is so peculiar that we might dismiss it as a quirk of the rhyton carver 's imagination , but for the fact that it features again on a seal impression from Agia Triadha , where the rhyton also originated .
8 Colleagues at his firm , Red & White Taxis , said Ashiq dismissed it as a hazard of the job .
9 The alternative version has it as a description of the style of the painting ( and it makes no difference here whether the recumbent posture belongs to the living sitter or to the image in the finished picture ) .
10 Irene had been educated to deny any unpleasantness , discounting it as a distortion of the facts .
11 Although Abadia was respected by the lower ranks , his appointment was understood to have caused widespread resentment amongst senior officers who interpreted it as a breach of the seniority rule , hitherto strictly adhered to .
12 The service has proved willing to invest in Skymaster , even though the ‘ returns ’ are low at the moment , and clearly sees it as a thing of the future .
13 It therefore seems unreasonable to see it as a result of the fragmentation of working-class communities ( Dunning et al , 1984 ) .
14 On the Government 's own figures , over 30% of those who would otherwise have received legal aid next year would lose it as a result of the proposed changes .
15 Other people see it as a corruption of the French place name , Ronceval , where , it is believed , the spoons were first made .
16 This star has a spectrum that identifies it as a star of the type called blue supergiants , whose masses range from 20 to 100 .
17 He intended to regard it as an incident of the utmost gravity .
18 Evans sees it as an adaptation of the Egyptian dog-ape , possibly developing from the monkey frescoes in the Knossos Labyrinth ; the monkey was not native to Crete and the animal may have been taken for a monster and so given an impulse to the creation of other monsters .
19 Gandhi was sufficiently aware of the utilitarian formula of the greatest happiness of the greatest number to realize that he was completely at odds with it as an interpretation of the aim anti purpose of life and as a principle of morality .
20 Rather its relevance lies in the way it constrains the interpretation of [ 14a ] so that hearers can see it as an interpretation of the speaker 's thoughts about the state of the pound .
21 The notion of progression is clearly important in assessing this work , especially as the temptation to isolate , or even dismiss , it as an epiphenomenon of the SI is strong .
22 Rather than calling this a paradox ( as others did ) the authors preferred to think of it as an indication of the incompleteness of quantum theory .
23 Accepting that very is an emphasizing device , it is seldom plausible to take it as an intensifier of the property or properties expressed by the noun which it appears to qualify syntactically .
24 ‘ I only offer it as an example of the Catholic guilt complex , ’ said William , looking hurt .
25 If the deceased was prone to depression , the court could treat it as an example of the egg shell skull rule .
26 It was n't much read until they rediscovered it — Virginia Woolf knew it , she adduced it as an image of the essential androgyny of the creative mind — but the new feminists see Melusina in her bath as a symbol of self-sufficient female sexuality needing no poor males .
27 To repeat , however , the interpretation of competitive strength as current strength is preferable , because it focuses the dynamic management of the group portfolio on the grid itself , rather than leaving it as an inference of the underlying analysis .
28 " I definitely see it as an extension of the house .
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