Example sentences of "it will [adv] [vb infin] [pos pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Earlier it had been on view at 66 Portland Place , and it will shortly complete its run in Folkestone .
2 Malcolm Dalkin of LV Motors , who produce the Aerogen wind generator range , maintains that if a tiny trickle charge is put back into a yacht 's batteries it will both maintain their performance and could increase their lifespan by two or three years .
3 When a puppy is settled in the home with you it will soon indicate its willingness to play even though you may not approve of the choice of toy .
4 It will also aid our understanding of the wider effects of the Education Reform Act , with special reference to the enhanced role given to governing bodies and parent forums , and also to the relative diminution in the position of the LEAs .
5 It will also find its way onto the shelves of most major university libraries .
6 It will also increase its equity base and consequently improve its gearing and its ability to borrow further .
7 If this is the only payment we make , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
8 If the only claim you make is for broken glass in your cars windscreen or windows , including bodywork scratched by the breakage , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
9 If this is the only payment we make , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
10 If the only claim you make is for broken glass in your cars windscreen or windows , including bodywork scratched by the breakage , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
11 If this is the only payment we make , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
12 If the only claim you make is for broken glass in your cars windscreen or windows , including bodywork scratched by the breakage , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
13 If this is the only payment we make , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
14 If the only claim you make is for broken glass in your cars windscreen or windows , including bodywork scratched by the breakage , it will not affect your no claim bonus or protected no claim bonus .
15 The strong views expressed on both sides of the House — which in itself is unusual , divided as it is in its political structure — on the way that the right hon. Gentleman has carried out his job should send a clear message to the IRA : that it will not bomb its way to the conference table ; it will not affect us now ; it will not affect us during the general election ; and it will not affect us after the general election .
16 Institutional shareholders prefer an employee trust to an option scheme , as it will not dilute their equity in the company ; this is because an option scheme established by a company usually provides for options to subscribe shares , whereas an employee trust can be empowered to grant options over shares already in issue and which come to be held by the trust , as where an employee leaves and sells his shares to the trustees .
17 It will not fit our practice well enough to count as an eligible interpretation , and its normative program will be empty , because it instructs us to follow conventions that do not exist .
18 He would like to think , he said , that his mind will not wander to the race at Aintree in the next few days , that he will not run it through his mind , that it will not permeate his waking life .
19 or telephone when vehicles moving except in emergencies , you should only stick your fix or clip on microphone where it will not distract your attention from road , do not stop on a hard shoul shoulder of a motorway to answer or make a call however urgent .
20 It will not harm your baby .
21 It will not prejudice his claim in any way if he takes all necessary steps to minimise and contain his loss .
22 The street price it put on the box is only a ballpark figure ( a 10%-15% differential ) and it will not reveal its dealer discounts .
23 It will not seek my advice .
24 It 's not only a working instrument but the kind of guitar that you feel like picking up and playing at any time ; when it 's not wowing the punters it will probably spend its time lying on the sofa permanently on call .
25 Well I better not tell them because it will completely spoil their holiday but erm it 's h it 's interesting because we 've been mentioning it to other people I 'm sure they 've never .
26 Sheringham is n't a long course , but it will certainly test your technique .
27 Treat your skin to Empathy and it will never feel its age .
28 It takes only a few minutes to carry out this simple exercise , but it will greatly improve your ability to recognise genuinely lost coins when your search head passes over them .
29 This does n't matter , because it will still underlie your response .
30 It will definitely give your child the edge when they start to learn word processing at school .
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