Example sentences of "it would [vb infin] [be] [adj -er] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It would 've been better but erm I think that these terms have now become so widely known there 's , there 's no way of changing it back .
2 It would 've been easier if I got into dealing again , but I ca n't afford any more heavy scenes with the law .
3 It would have been simpler and more effective , he wrote , to lock the doors and seal up the entrances , simpler and more effective and cheaper than manning the whole building .
4 But it would have been tidier if he could have separated them .
5 They will argue that such job creation as may have taken place is temporary and artificial , that the cost of achieving even this was too high and that it would have been cheaper and industrially more advantageous if people from development areas had been forced or encouraged to move to the prosperous areas .
6 The only thing is i it would have been nicer if it had of printed .
7 OK , so relations were unsteady with little brother right now , but it would have been better than this .
8 It would have been better than staying at home but I did not want to wear a school uniform .
9 It would have been better if he had praised us no matter what anyone said , ’ Sheila said when the girls were alone with Rose , disappointed that he had failed to support them in public no matter what his intentions were .
10 So I said : ‘ It would have been better if we had never met . ’
11 The thought crept into him that it would have been better if there had have been trees outside .
12 Last night the Foreign Office said : ‘ We can see now it would have been better if the advice had not been given . ’
13 It was an enormously thorough and comprehensive review of the case , running to four volumes and more than 1200 pages , yet it would have been better if it had been half the length and taken half the time .
14 It would have been better if she had kept a low profile . ’
15 This public assertion of my childhood 's usefulness stands side by side with the painful personal knowledge , I think the knowledge of all of us , going as far back as the story lets us , that it would have been better if it had n't happened that way , had n't happened at all .
16 ‘ I hope you 're not going to make a nuisance of yourself , Preston , because if you are it would have been better if you had n't come . ’
17 It would have been better if they had been omitted .
18 Erm it would have been better if they 'd given you some information to say , They all voted for at least one
19 ‘ Then I came here , and here I have been ever since , wondering often if it would have been better if that first Man had never found me . ’
20 It would have been better if we 'd let them live .
21 It would have been better if you had n't . ’
22 It would have been better if he had been less conscientious , because he had broken one of his ribs against the handle of the winch and as he struggled to his feet the sharp broken edge of the bone penetrated slightly into his lung .
23 It would have been better if we 'd got another word really .
24 ‘ Perhaps it would have been better if they had . ’
25 It would have been better if we had had a valuation number from the outset which may well have proved more satisfactory with regards to initial enquiries .
26 It would have been better if she had never come here to Spain .
27 Perhaps it would have been better if this last week had never happened , if she had never even met Fen Marshall .
28 If that means that all students are exempt , it would have been better if the Department of the Environment press releases had stated that expressly .
29 Perhaps more worrying for the Government is the attitude of the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry , who was reported by a most reliable gossip columnist called Peterborough in that impeccably Conservative newspaper The Daily Telegraph as saying that it would have been better if there had been no deal at all .
30 So maybe , it would have been better if you could have even got down a bit lower and to , to , to get more of it from the horizon .
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