Example sentences of "it would [vb infin] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That 's right it would it would pull pull the bottom
2 The obvious difficulty of having the same method of election for both Houses is that it would tend to produce a mirror image and devalue the House of Lords as a check .
3 Two days later , following further investigations by the ANC , NOSC and SARFU into the Ellis Park controversy , the ANC formally and publicly stated it would continue to support the tour and the test between South Africa and the Wallabies at Cape Town .
4 It was reported on May 23 that Lithuania 's Salcininkai okrug ( district ) had been proclaimed autonomous by its local soviet ( council ) and that it would continue to recognize the constitution of Soviet Lithuania rather than the independence constitution .
5 It would 've saved a lot of agonizing . ’
6 It is often difficult to match a covered lampshade to your own furnishing fabrics , in which case it would pay to buy a frame , then cover it yourself .
7 The vicar insisted that it would mean wearing the uniform his people would recognise , and that included the surplice .
8 It would mean taking the bandage off her ankle , but so what ?
9 ‘ I would rather forgo a very attractive acquisition if it would mean stretching the balance sheet . ’
10 I would rather forgo a very attractive acquisition if it would mean stretching the balance sheet
11 If that were to be the outcome , it would mean putting the clock back not twelve years , but a hundred years .
12 That also applies to likely substitute Eddie McGoldrick — and it would mean missing the crunch tie with Spain on October 13 .
13 I do n't think she has the faintest idea what it would mean to marry a chap without private means , and if she did , I 'm afraid she 'd change her mind . ’
14 It would prefer to see the income from the rental stream plus trading activities kept separate from the results of disposals of investment properties .
15 it would justify having a fire like that
16 The central bank said it would stop supporting the rouble and promised that cheap credits to moribund industries will be phased out .
17 The city council , backed by the government , announced on Friday that it would stop distributing the food aid that has kept Sarajevans alive during a ten-month siege until convoys reached eastern Bosnia .
18 It also could not afford the $100m in annual costs it would face to keep the programme going .
19 In one case , the court indicated that it would intervene to prevent a breach by the visitor of the rules of natural justice : see Bently v. Bishop of Ely ( 1729 ) 1 Barn.K.B. 192 .
20 There is no definition of what constitutes an " established arrangement " but it would appear to involve the type of arrangement outlined above .
21 I am often upset when people approach British Rail on the safety issue and ask how much it would cost to do the job properly .
22 I pointed out that the samples cost damn near as much as it would cost to paint the room , but a woman in paint picking mode is not an easy person to reason with .
23 Just as you can not add up all the prices in a shop to arrive at what it would cost to buy the shop , nor can you add up the price of all a company 's shares to arrive at what the company is worth .
24 If we could be sure that everyone in the community was equally generous , it might be possible to finance social services by announcing how much it would cost to run the Health Service per head in the coming year and then leave it to individuals to post an appropriate sum to their local health authority .
25 They could stay in the old lodge ; it would save taking a tent .
26 An objective duty to balance potentially conflicting interests would present the courts with a near-impossible task and hence it is impracticable to impose one : not only would the court need to assess the likely impact on each group of a contested business policy , both in the short and long term , but also it would have to evaluate the policy in accordance with a theory which stipulated when one set of interests should prevail over the others .
27 If our Lord had been resurrected only as a spirit it would have signified a victory over the spiritual world but the fact that it was a physical resurrection shows his sovereignty over history and the created world .
28 Even if she could not have so persuaded herself it would have made no difference .
29 It would have made no difference to the example below had the aggrieved party been a German company with a branch in France tendering for factory space .
30 If she had polished and dusted till the crack of doom , it would have made no difference .
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