Example sentences of "it 's [art] [noun] [pron] [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 It 's a change we were both prepared to take .
2 Well he di he did a video a and it 's a wonder it were n't banned !
3 It 's a bit I was thinking of doing it wider .
4 It 's a year one was n't it ?
5 It 's a pity you were n't also taught a little kindness and tolerance .
6 We had a , we had a really goo , it 's a pity you were n't here earlier actually cos we had a stu , a nice conversation about politics .
7 It 's a pity she was n't taken alive , ’ said Thiercelin .
8 It 's a pity she was n't more concerned about whether he was fit for the job or not , whatever his hair style .
9 It 's a pity it was n't just translated the it .
10 It 's a shame you were n't helping out at Christmas , you 'd 've been able
11 Another subtle form of criticism occurs when someone else is lavishly praised and you 're left to make a comparison : ‘ That report Angela 's done is truly excellent ’ ( sub-text : ‘ It 's a shame yours was n't ’ ) .
12 It 's a hostel which was originally being used by people with a mental illness which is being converted for elderly people moving out into the community .
13 It 's a miracle we were n't mown down , ’ said Carol , of Heworth , York , yesterday .
14 It 's a miracle we were n't mown down , ’ said Carol , of Heworth , York , yesterday .
15 The police simply cautioned the man , but they say that with so many vehicles having had to break and swerve , it 's a miracle there was n't a serious accident .
16 It 's a miracle he was n't killed either by the electric cable , the fall or an oncoming train , ’ said police .
17 His brother Pete said : ‘ It 's a miracle he was n't killed . ’
18 If that 's the sort he is , it 's no wonder she was terrified of him ! ’
19 It 's so much easier to fall back on ‘ That 's the way things are done ’ or ‘ It 's the way I was brought up . ’
20 ROBBIE It 's the way I was brought up .
21 It 's the beef what were left from yesterday .
22 ‘ Well , it 's the amount she was asked to put up when she became a partner last year . ’
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