Example sentences of "it is a [noun] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is a pity they did not emerge from their hiding place in time for the 40-year anniversary reunions of the 49/50/51 groups , but they are partially relevant to the ‘ 52s next year .
2 It is a pity it has to be done this way , ’ Sandor observed .
3 What Coetzee 's work suggests , and it is a pity he does not pursue this point fully , is that in Britain before 1914 the potential fragmentation of the political right was contained .
4 We were friends but it is a pity he did not make that clear . ’
5 I do feel it is a pity you sent a single person to test facilities for a family .
6 It is a pity you did n't see the girl at the place she died .
7 A column entitled ‘ Bulletin ’ informs her that Marilyn French will be discussing her new book , Beyond Power : Women , Men and Morals , at a public meeting to be held later in the week in London , and it crosses Robyn 's mind , not for the first time , that it is a pity she lives so far from the metropolis where such exciting events are always happening .
8 It is a relief I suppose today , that I am able to speak to you on the basis erm of financial output which is a good deal more favourable than we expected even six months ago .
9 It is a tag he disowns .
10 It is a trait he puts down to his father , who died two years ago .
11 But it is a relationship I respect .
12 It is a hobby he has taken up with two main aims in mind : ‘ Firstly , it keeps my hand in as far as manufacturing is concerned and secondly I like to see this small bit of entrepreneuralism on my doorstep .
13 It is a question I ask myself twice more : once inside their car , once when we stop .
14 But when you begin fishing , if it is a swim you have never fished before with a swimfeeder , it is essential that you find out how long it takes to empty so that you can set up a rhythm of casting and feeding .
15 It is a tribute I suppose to the English language that there are so many forms of circumlocution that it is remarkably easy to persuade yourself that you have made a bold statement , or conveyed the bad news , whilst in reality there is no conceivable possibility that the recipient has actually understood what you are talking about .
16 As can be seen from our position at the bottom , it is a secret we have yet to uncover .
17 It is a skill I have honed on a host of beautiful staircases and , before tonight 's professional debut , my most singular success has been at a large hotel in Sloane Street where we just chose Miss London.The marble stairs to the entrance hall are just too perfect to ignore , with only a couple of people chatting on the right halfway down.I take the left hand course and soar down and round the gentle curve in nothing short of majestic style , allowing myself the luxury of a smile and a brief wave to the startled pair as I rattle by .
18 To me the small group of birds on the sand-spit looked just like little terns , but it is a bird I have never seen in Shetland , so I am not familiar with it .
19 Sometimes younger people consider this to be nothing more than morbid indulgence , and refuse to listen , mainly because it is a subject they do not care to think about .
20 It is a work I have to come back to again and again .
21 Whether I will be part of it will depend on the new manager Rovers are appointing next week and whether it is a man I like and could work with . ’
22 It is a trick he has been taught and he enjoys doing it .
23 It is a message we have all heard before .
24 It is a river I know well , but a stretch I have never fished before , and when I see it I wonder why .
25 It is a tradition I want to revive and reward .
26 It is a game I have been looking forward to for some time .
27 There was a bonus for the Everton boss in that he seems to have discovered the creative midfield force he has been lacking , and it is a player he signed during his first spell at the club five-and-a-half years ago .
28 ‘ This was an absolutely horrific accident and it is a tragedy he lost his legs , ’ said an ambulance spokesman .
29 ‘ Perhaps it is a habit we share , this business of vaulting to easy conclusions . ’
30 With all the genuine , yet inherently easy , sympathy of the committed onlooker , it is a prospect I anticipate with profound interest .
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