Example sentences of "it is a [noun sg] to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is a relief to me to take up this pen and sit at a table and endeavour to sort out what I feel pressing in upon me and to know that if sense can be made of it you will make it .
2 It is a tribute to their strength that after all they have been through they are both still together today .
3 Stuart was only 17 years old and it is a tribute to his strength and personality that he was still conscious when the rescue team arrived , one and a half hours after I left him to go for help .
4 It is a tribute to his determination over his 22 years that he has achieved where so many before him have failed .
5 Perhaps Andrew 's quirkiness preferred the persistence of the myth rather than the inside story , but with his death the truth must be told , since it is a tribute to his generous nature .
6 It is a call to us , too , to leave behind us the false self of our own independence , to celebrate how wholly dependent we are upon God .
7 I daresay you find this strange and may think I am ungrateful when after all I have been given the chance to set up for myself which is not given to many of our station but it is a surprise to me too .
8 Aquinas is right ; and it is a credit to his genius to have put animals so neatly into a perspective consistent with Wittgenstein 's analysis .
9 A problem , after all , is only so if it is a problem to someone .
10 But yes if you live er in an area where prostitutes frequent , i it is a problem to you .
11 Perhaps it is a challenge to our Church to be a more cross-oriented fellowship , living it , and working out what it means .
12 It is a condition to us receiving the special transitional grant , and as we carried out last year , with drafting the agreement , we have a very short period of time in which to put the agreement together .
13 It is , however , more than a commitment of our best efforts — it is a commitment to what is best for the object of that love .
14 I welcome the fact that the Secretary of State is getting in practice and asking the questions to which I give the answers at Question Time , as it is a situation to which he shall have to become accustomed .
15 It is a key to our lineage , a key to unlock the door of time .
16 It is a key to his selection process , a key to the training he undertakes , a key to his overall process of management .
17 It is a place to which resort , during the formative years of early adult life , those desirous and capable of learning how people engaged in the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake go about their business .
18 It is a disappointment to him to see the way canoeing is marketed and perceived , particularly the view that people ca n't be coached after a certain level .
19 Presumably there is justification when a doctor urges his patient to give up a fixed term employment because it is a danger to his health , but what of the tutor who insists that his student give up a vacation job because it will interfere with his studies ?
20 Even if this not quite what happens in practice , it is a ideal to which citizens and archivists can appeal ( Frost 1991–2 ) .
21 It is a matter to which statutory services in those areas most affected should be paying serious attention now , since adverse effects on old people 's support systems are predictable .
22 Then he added : ‘ Perhaps it is a solution to their difficulties . ’
23 It is a quotation to which the Home Secretary should listen to which his right hon. Friend the Minister of State should reply : ’ Since the Prior Committee 's report was published , the Government 's Public Order Bill ( now the Public Order Act ) has been brought before Parliament .
24 In truth , this image was never entirely fair , but it is a testament to our ability to respond to customer demand that , today , a visit to any supermarket bakery is likely to offer you the choice and quality to rival that of any traditional bakers .
25 All sensible people must with shame agree that it is a disgrace to our nation that we Germans are trying to suppress a German , to whom foreign countries have done justice by their great admiration and even by public acknowledgments in writing .
26 It is a kindness to them to say that they misled you , Holly , you were their plaything .
27 It is an insult to our intelligence .
28 Your first solo exhibition may seem a daunting prospect but it is an event to which every serious artist aspires .
29 It is an agreement to which our European partners were happy to sign up , and they have gone back to their own countries to celebrate .
30 It is an area to which the County Council has given priority in the past .
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