Example sentences of "it is this [adj] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is this extra software which will enhance the intelligence of the telephone networks and allow them to provide special services rather than simple telephony .
2 It is this extra spending which , given full employment and consequent constant number of transactions , pushes up the price level .
3 It is this extra sum which the estate is using as a stick against the BMC , in the hope that it will stump up the cash as the estate can not afford to invest this much in climbing .
4 Indeed , it is this descriptive sophistication which is the greatest strength of all pluralist explanations .
5 At a later stage , the evaginated portion elongates and comes to hang downwards ; it is this evaginated portion which eventually forms the wing .
6 It is this ultimate danger which , probably more than anything else , has surrounded the nuclear industry with its following of fearful spectators .
7 But this should not obscure from us the fact that Judaism resisted stoutly the prudery that stultified sexuality throughout the West , and always retained a high and honoured place for bodily functioning and its pleasures — as becomes indeed , a gift from God : ‘ Man and woman are one body and one soul , ( oneness reasserted , as ever ) , and it is this powerful union which it projects and enhances .
8 In law , then , the essence of an act of God is not so much a phenomenon which is sometimes attributed to a positive intervention of the forces of nature , but a process of nature not due to the act of man and it is this negative side which deserves emphasis .
9 And it is this spiritual thread which runs through , and on one level , unites all natural healing philosophies .
10 To build a theory of ‘ lawyers as controllers ’ on an examination of their minority work with working class clients is therefore to miss the central point about what lawyers do , and it is this central point which should give them their place in a theory of the social formation .
11 It is this pre-theoretical knowledge which interests Hayes .
12 It is this epistemological belief which provides the foundation for his concept of ‘ spontaneous order ’ .
13 It is this basic contradiction which determines the fate of capitalism , the breakdown of which , and the transition to a socialist society , are the necessary outcome of a structural contradiction , not the result of human agency .
14 All too often it is this harsh environment which actually develops some of the best management , and it is noteworthy within our own company , how many of the leaders of the company have come from businesses which have had more than their fair share of struggle and adversity .
15 Your body has to work that much harder to convert the additional carbohydrate into energy and it is this thermic effect which can burn off up to another 200–300 calories each day .
16 ‘ Our Dublin plant has consistently failed to produce the expected results , and it is this unfortunate experience which will weigh heavily against any further investment in Eire ; in much the same way as it has weighed heavily against the UK .
17 It is this social reaction which generates and defines deviance .
18 It is this select band who are invited to show off their memory ( or loss of it ) of the above mentioned ballad .
19 And it is this very illogicality which causes the phobia sufferer to feel foolish or inferior — particularly if the unnatural fear is of something which others would consider harmless .
20 Terence Davies has apparently emerged from the representation of his social origins smelling of Art , and it is this very concept which mainstream criticism just can not get enough of , for at its best ( its most effective ) it denies the social world at the very moment that it represents it .
21 Man , by contrast , has the potential to make this ability subject to conscious control , and it is this very difference which clearly divides him from the animal world .
22 Yet it is this very assumption which these writers call into question .
23 It is this alarming development which most concerns the National Amenity Societies represented in this report .
24 It is this concurrent development which provides the source of what much later is destined to become the relationship which binds man to his God , first , by the processes of evolution , and then by man himself struggling to bring into his life the enrichment available to him if only he can control the legacies of ruthless evolution .
25 It is this open structure which makes ice less dense than water , and accounts for the fact that it floats .
26 It is this bracing action which allows the legs to work during the forward swing .
27 It is this particular scene which will make anyone over the age of 15 want to smack the world 's biggest superstar very hard indeed .
28 What is not remarked upon , is that Sickert 's work represents a corpse , possibly the victim of a sexual murder and it is this particular setting which may be the source of Bomberg 's imagery .
29 And it is this public display which is the essence of science .
30 It is this interactional organization which motivates us to make choices that ensure that a clear progression of links is achieved and that a coherent point of view is maintained throughout a text .
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