Example sentences of "it is not [adv] [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ According to the latest research in the United States , it is not just stress that is bad for you .
2 Even when referring to personal opinion it is not normally considered good style to do so directly .
3 Are they merely providers , acting as a resource for local communities , responding to needs and demands which are often based on past experience of education or have they a duty to seek ways and means of broadening the role of education into areas with which it is not normally associated such as changes in family and community life , the problems of poverty , inequality , and the general lack of local control over the formal decision-making process ?
4 However , it is not generally considered practicable , if no suitable person can be found , to appoint a district judge , and in practice the Official Solicitor should be approached .
5 And it is not enough to devote four pages to ‘ sexual orientation ’ and then lamely say it deserves more attention .
6 It is not enough to explain this , as some outsiders and many insiders did , by invoking some theory of social inertia , to the effect that Libyans still had a Bedouin mentality .
7 It is not enough to show that expenditure elsewhere has had to be curtailed .
8 There is a risk in eating animal produce , there has always been a risk in eating animal produce , but it is not statistically getting worse .
9 The Islamic movement in Jordan opposes the peace talks with Israel , but it is not actively opposing regional peace negotiations .
10 The second point er chairman is that one particular solution adopted by a couple of County Councils the one in particular has been to have a local act requiring registration of car boot sales which gives enforcement officers a chance to know they 're going to happen and it also requires display of names and addresses not suggesting it is not entirely suggest that is here but late last night we simply felt we want to talk about the possibility of a framework enabling this legislation which will allow that to happen on national basis oh , as a way of controlling this , this sort of activity .
11 It is not always clear that polygyny is of such reproductive value to females as the views of Orians and his colleagues suggest .
12 but just at the moment in P Way we feel that it is n't possibly going that way
13 Neither will it encourage investors so it wo n't bring any significant change in the private sector and it is n't enough to generate sustained growth .
14 It is n't enough to have all the safety plans in the world if you do n't ensure that people are adhering to them . ’
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