Example sentences of "it is not [adv] that the " in BNC.

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1 It is not just that the academic protocols of putative objectivity , cross referencing and theoretical vocabulary sit uneasily beside political polemic which reads so differently from the equally strict conventions of focused brevity in the local government or consultant 's report , although these issues of style are themselves not minor .
2 It is not just that the unwanted presence of rainbow trout can ruin the sport but there is also the environmental impact of these strangers , ’ said a spokesman .
3 It is not just that the ideas which underpin progressive primary methods have been , with a few notable exceptions , poorly articulated .
4 It is not just that the tax offices are the home of a great deal of corruption , which has survived many previous attempted clean-ups and , so far , even the arrival of computerisation .
5 More radically still , Derrida works at the limits of any possible philosophy of history , arguing that it is not just that the problems of hermeneutics , specifically of interpretation and language , affect historical understanding , but that what in a broad sense he calls writing , or différance , determines history .
6 He argues that it is not just that the long waves each have a different pattern but that regional differentiation , and regional political and social movements , are crucial to the shape of long waves themselves .
7 It is not just that the sufferer loses friends from the disordered behaviour .
8 It is not simply that the former communist societies in Eastern Europe were characterized , to a greater or lesser extent , by relative economic backwardness and political authoritarianism , and consequently had little appeal as models for the future development of any advanced industrial society , but that the democratic socialism of social democratic and labour parties in the capitalist world , despite its real achievements in improving the conditions of life of the working class , has come to be more critically judged as tending to promote an excessive centralization of decision making , growth of bureaucracy and regulation of the lives of individuals , and has lost something of the persuasive character it once had as a movement aiming to create a new civilization .
9 So it is not simply that the inner northern route gives far greater traffic relief than the outer northern and therefore far more effectively meets the need , but also on environmental criteria , the Council 's own consultants appear to have found that at least in its effect on the landscape that it is preferable .
10 The point is , a ) that a really determined motorcyclist or moped rider will find a way onto a path no matter what barriers are put up , and b ) that it is not right that the cyclists , disabled walkers etc at whom the facility is aimed , should be disadvantaged for the sake of the minority of potential abusers .
11 In the example quoted , the first line leaves unstated the place to which Israel is to return ; the B-line specifies the full significance of " return " in A. It is true of course that it is not only that the B-line is more specific than the A-line but also that the A is more specific than the B. Such cases do not negate the parallelism of greater precision ; they are a subset of the examples of our feature .
12 Thirdly , it is not only that the approaches give different ‘ answers ’ , it is also that they are asking different questions .
13 It is not only that the social range of fiction becomes much more inclusive , allowing the writer to explore interiors that make no claim to architecture , but that living space itself develops individual character .
14 Leaving aside for the time being the question of ‘ hostile intent , ’ it is plain that it is not enough that the defendant deliberately does an act that has the incidental effect of obstructing the police ; he must also have some notion that he is obstructing and causing the police difficulties .
15 Accordingly , within s.3 it is not enough that the victim expects or requires the accused to pay .
16 It is not enough that the property should be intended to be used in a manner that may or may not involve this definite and particular manner ( Pwllbach Colliery Co Ltd v Woodman [ 1915 ] AC 634 ) .
17 ( m ) The question of reliance It is not enough that the seller knows of the particular purpose of the goods sold , the buyer must also have relied upon the credit-broker or seller 's skill and judgment at the date of the contract .
18 It is not merely that the speaker wants to create a good impression in the sight of others , who might have a different set of values .
19 It is not merely that the incidence of single-parent black families has been exaggerated ( Phoenix , 1988 ) , but that class , gender and racism intersect in highly complex and contradictory ways in the lives of black women ( Anthias and Yuval-Davis , 1982 ; Phizacklea , 1983 ; Ramazanoglu , 1989 ; West wood , 1985 ; West wood and Bhachu , 1988 ) .
20 Soil creep is still moving the weathered rocks down the slopes but it is not often that the changing river channel is directly below a slope to remove this rock debris .
21 It is not often that the MacQuitty tastebuds are stumped by a GH recipe .
22 It is not often that the Organ publishes press releases , but an exception might usefully be made in the case of the handouts by Random House about the personnel changes there .
23 It is not often that the Opposition play to the Government 's strengths , but , as my hon. Friend the Member for Batley and Spen ( Mrs. Peacock ) said , the council tax is a simple and fair tax , and she was right to welcome its rebate scheme and its transitional relief .
24 Their chief executive , Andy Barton , feels , with some reason one would have to say , that it is n't right that the government should bail out a competitor .
25 It is n't just that the repertory is far-removed from that of the harp 's romantic territory — and , to the best of my recollection , of a kind last explored ( more conservatively and on a modern instrument ) in an entire disc by Zabaleta ( Archiv ) over 20 years ago , nor that it is played on two pedal-less early harps , it 's the spirit with and in which it is executed .
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