Example sentences of "it is [vb pp] that it [is] " in BNC.

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1 Henry Fairlie wrote : ‘ The exercise of power in Britain ( more specifically , in England ) can not be understood unless it is recognised that it is exercised socially . ’
2 The rules for the cameras in committees are essentially the same as in the House , except that it is recognised that it is not possible to exclude shots showing the public , especially those sitting behind the witnesses in a select committee .
3 It is recognised that it is almost impossible to correctly identify the characteristics of fast growers at a start-up stage but once a track record of two or three years data exists selection may be possible .
4 If it is said that it is the use to which such information may be put that can be objectionable , the libertarian might well reply that gossip is an age-old way of passing the time and one of the cements of society .
5 What is now being sought is , in a sense , a reversal of that development , in a particular type of case ; and it is said that it is too late to take that step .
6 While Stormont has not been specifically targeted by the IRA in the past , it is acknowledged that it is vulnerable because of the relatively open nature of its layout .
7 Where it is determined that it is appropriate to report shares issued by subsidiaries in consolidated financial statements within minority interests rather than as a liability , it is necessary to determine whether they represent an equity or a non-equity interest .
8 In this kind of evaluation of change over time , it is argued that it is easier to attribute changes directly to the planned intervention , since it is unlikely that other experiences to which the child might be exposed would produce the same pattern of differential progress across different aspects of language .
9 Since the large-scale use of nuclear weapons would be clearly illegal , it is argued that it is immoral and unconvincing to base a defence on the threat of such use .
10 It is argued that it is the present two-tier education system , as defined by policy and practice , which is the primary disabling factor and not deafness per se .
11 It is argued that it is the relative unit labour costs , which also reflect variations in the productivity of labour , which are more significant .
12 It is accepted that it is a minor injury , but it is enough to justify a charge of actual bodily harm , ’ he said .
13 The families are within that structure , where it is accepted that it is the man who goes out to work .
14 To some extent , this will be done simply because it is felt that it is more efficient , or at least administratively convenient , to handle matters in this way — the matters delegated may be ephemeral , needing constant change ; or technical , requiring expertise .
15 Following the recent House of Lords decision of Pepper v Hart [ 1992 ] STC 898 it is possible to refer to Hansard in certain circumstances and it is felt that it is proper to refer to the relevant Hansard to discover who the individual is referred to in the provisions .
16 It is assumed that it is ‘ natural ’ ( ie healthy ) to love and protect children .
17 It is assumed that it is only the field man who ‘ really knows ’ what is happening ‘ out there ’ .
18 The danger of adopting a systems approach uncritically is that it is assumed that it is sufficient to identify system structures and to portray the multitudinous variables involved in a particular system which then reinforces the first law of ecology as graphically described by Commoner ( 1972 ) that everything is connected to everything else .
19 It is believed that it is the DNA alone which is responsible for the inheritance of traits .
20 While this Canadian experiment attempts to provide as many performance measures as possible , it is admitted that it is not practical to provide measures for all programmes .
21 That is , a confirmation will be significant if it is estimated that it is unlikely to eventuate in the light of the background knowledge of the time .
22 Since the Validation program may take several hours to run , it is recommended that it is run overnight in batch mode .
23 It is submitted that it is correct in principle .
24 I K. Campbell , 1970 , p. 23 ) It is allowed that it is enlightening or tolerable to speak of hoping , perceiving , thinking , and a good deal else as having objects or contents in the given sense .
25 It is known that it is unusual for a person with HIV infection to become ill within three years of acquiring the virus , except for newborn babies infected before they were born .
26 The scent trail of the ant is released as a liquid ( which evaporates ) on the ground ; but it is known that it is perceived by scent rather than taste .
27 ‘ Although this is not binding upon your Lordships , the United Kingdom is , of course , a party to the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and it is urged that it is at least desirable that the domestic law of the United Kingdom should accord with the decisions of the European Court of Human Rights under the Convention .
28 It is thought that it is irrelevant what consideration accepting shareholders receive under the arrangement .
29 It is suggested that it is helpful not to emphasise the problem or disability , as some old people are reluctant to face their inability to continue to cope independently .
30 It is suggested that it is unsatisfactory to allow the rent to be fixed in reliance on assertions made by the parties which can not be challenged by cross examination , and where the expert is not to be given an opportunity of seeing and evaluating the quality of the witnesses .
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