Example sentences of "it is [adv] [vb pp] [that] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is strongly recommended that initiating members seek to negotiate fee arrangements with their exclusive sell situation clients that allow them to offer time-based remuneration to participating members with respect to the process of originating foreign purchaser suggestions and/or contacting foreign purchasers .
2 However , it is generally acknowledged that to reduce the consumption of fat in our daily diet will almost certainly reduce the risk of heart disease along with other medical conditions .
3 Whilst it is generally agreed that increases in the money supply can cause higher prices , the question is through what mechanism does it operate ?
4 It is generally agreed that making a bad decision ( for which the remedy is an appeal ) will not normally be treated as ground for dismissal of a Circuit judge as showing ‘ inability or misbehaviour ’ .
5 It is frequently argued that having personal experience of an event gives a dimension of knowledge that others can not fully share .
6 It is widely accepted that attempts to apply the concession theory in modern conditions are inapposite : there is no longer any ‘ privilege ’ involved in obtaining corporate status and the source of companies ' ’ economic energy ’ undoubtedly lies in individual initiative and not in the state .
7 Mr Rowland may be right to think that the worst is over ; it is increasingly recognised that to expect the insurance industry to foot the entire bill for pollution would bankrupt it .
8 It is well established that cytokines including IFN-α , IFN-Β , IFN-γ , IL2 , TNF-α , and the combination of these can enhance the cytotoxic activity of T cells , natural killer cells , and monocytes in vitro .
9 For example if studying for an exam , it is well established that studying for long periods without a break is literally , a waste of time .
10 It is well known that published economic statistics are subject to revision at a later date so that the current view of where we are now may be misleading .
11 It is also recognised that having a single contact person within the Exchequer Division to deal with travel agents is good practice and therefore it is suggested that Carole Ann Johnston , Admin Assistant arrange all travel and overnight accommodation when required .
12 It is also meant that Yearn shall or may be sold on the other Mercat days in Isla , viz — Whity. , Lammas , & Hallow day Mercats . "
13 Similarly , a company is only making problems for itself by creating a norm of people working extra hours , putting staff under stress which impacts on their home lives and which probably does not achieve greater productivity since it is commonly believed that working beyond 40 to 50 hours a weeks results in time spent which is increasingly unproductive .
14 But it is commonly held that Mind and Matter both have existence , separately , one from the other .
15 It is now believed that to get a true account of unemployment the current official figures should be multiplied by 1.5 .
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