Example sentences of "it is [adv] that [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 That is , our problem is not one of vicarious liability , of finding some reason why a shareholder should share some other person 's or group 's primary responsibility ; it is rather that we can find no one else who is primarily responsible and in whose responsibility he might share .
2 It is not that we can not remember characters ' names , but that minor characters are often not important enough to bother about .
3 If this is relativity it is like Einstein 's , by which it is not that you can make any measurement come out as you please , but that from any spatio-temporal viewpoint you can estimate what will be the right measurement from any other .
4 the great bulk of community care is provided by friends , family and neighbours … it is right that they should be able to play their part in looking after those close to them … service providers should make practical support for carers a high priority .
5 It is right that they should be dealt with in a humane and honourable manner .
6 It is right that they should be given a place of honour in the history of ancient art .
7 In our efforts to promote extensification of livestock production , it is right that we should question whether livestock production should be allowed unrestricted use of technology in order to produce maximum output from the minimum amount of land .
8 It is right that we should consider tonight the question how we enhance the democracy , responsibility and accountability of the European institutions and of our own Ministers to the national Parliament .
9 However , if someone wilfully refuses to pay the charge , it is right that he should have to pay the price for his illegal action .
10 Does my right hon. Friend accept that it is right that he should restate the Government 's commitment to their policy in Northern Ireland , based on the rule of law ?
11 Leeds is now the third largest city in England and the 20th in Europe , so it is right that it should have international ambitions .
12 The PAC wants hard and fast information , and it is right that it should .
13 It is right that it should be raised on the Floor of the House .
14 The Engineering Employers Federation says that its members ’ strongly support the Government 's objective of providing a balanced and effective framework of trade union and industrial relations law ’ and that ’ the step by step approach has been seen by all to have worked successfully and it is right that it should continue . ’
15 Rates of CTT chargeable on the coming to an end of an interest in possession during the lifetime of the beneficiary On a separate matter , it is right that I should inform the Committee , for the avoidance of doubt , that the lower rates of CTT announced by the Chief Secretary on 5th February which would apply to transfers of value occurring during the lifetime of the transferor will also apply where an interest in possession comes to an end during the lifetime of the person beneficially entitled to that interest .
16 It is here that we shall find the explanation for the lively inconsistency of his thinking , masked though it was by the illusion of sweet reason he seemed able to create at will .
17 It is here that we can see the power of his rejection of the concept of ‘ liberation ’ .
18 It is here that we can gain some insight into the assumptions that Shakespeare and his audience are making about beliefs in antiquity , compared to more modern medieval beliefs — Richard III reigned a mere century before the play was first performed .
19 This pattern included a reduction in the number of manufacturing establishments employing ten or more people ; it is here that we can begin to visualize the effects of de-industrialization on the ground .
20 If the private world is where we find ourselves , then it is here that we must first come together .
21 It is here that we must take care .
22 When you start there is a sense in which everything you do is right , there is no clear sense of wrong , though of course it is here that you may make the inevitable false move , take the inevitable wrong turning .
23 It is here that you can try things out and work on your whole repertoire of turns ( refer to previous Pocket Clinics for inspiration ) .
24 Mr. Chairman , ladies and gentlemen , it is n't that I would like to say a word , it is that told me to say a word , and I realise I am starting off in the right way .
25 It is just that it could have been more meaningful and less unpleasant had it felt a touch more like a pilgrimage than a harsh , faceless drive for productivity .
26 It is just that he will not apply it to future pension rights because he is not in the least interested in defending workers ' pension rights .
27 The overriding criterion — that the service of a summons is impracticable or inappropriate — does not even have to be based on objective grounds ; it is enough that it should appear to be so to the constable making the arrest .
28 When we come to the end of our own virtues and realize our inner poverty , it is then that we can start to experience ‘ the kingdom of heaven ’ in our lives .
29 It is then that I shall be restored . ’
30 And the boatman said : ‘ Tell me which boat it is so that I will know which boat not to look under . ’
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