Example sentences of "it is [adj] say that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 It is right to say that I have heard from Mrs Paul 's classroom assistant during the last academic year , she appears virtually to have acted as an enabler , but she was by no means dedicated to Paul as a one to one enabler and of course the extent of the attention of which she had to give to Paul detracted from her ability to give attention to other pupils .
2 Perhaps it is better to say that it is a prima facie relationship which can be used for prescriptive advice to hold back investment unless the ‘ dog ’ management can establish an exceptional case .
3 It is simplistic to say that one should recognise Slovenia or Croatia .
4 It is impractical to say that we should set some timetable for ending discharges without any idea whether it can be achieved or not . ’
5 There are situations , it seems , where it is reasonable to say that there are two or more causal circumstances for a single effect .
6 With the wisdom of hindsight it is easy to say that they should not have tried to raid there in the first place , but success had bred a certain arrogance .
7 ‘ Mr Taylor has completed ignored the fact that Catholics have been under the jackboot of the IRA and loyalists for over 20 years and it is ridiculous to say that they have not been living in fear . ’
8 Thus when a man 's vassals rebelled against him , it is possible to say that they were exerting , in due form , the ancient right of resistance , of diffidatio , or , with William of Malmesbury , that they had proved swift to break faith .
9 It is possible to say that their pas de deux are completely uninhibited .
10 Trade , technical and professional magazines ; There are more magazines in this group than in the consumer group and it is safe to say that whatever the trade , profession or industry there will be a publication to deal with it .
11 It is plausible to say that our ideas of various colours , of various material things such as gold or sheep , or of processes and activities such as dancing and wrestling , derive from experience .
12 So , although it is not true to say that all tortoiseshell cats are females , it is true to say that they are all feminine — even the rare males .
13 It is not quite true to say that the price of Attlee 's policy was partition , but it is true to say that its price was the early and firm acceptance of the inevitability of partition .
14 While it is true to say that there is no simple relation of general application in the case of materials at large strains there are certain general principles which have been formulated by the theoreticians and which in particular cases lead to expressions capable of experimental test .
15 I believe it is true to say that my company has hardly sold a single product in Japan ( and we sell many ) without having to respond to some particular specification , different to that pertaining in other parts of the world .
16 It is true to say that he was almost exclusively concerned with military operations , and he spent much of his time in the latter stages of the war at a series of international conferences .
17 Whilst it is true to say that it might have started off that way ( call me a sceptic if you will ) , it has now found itself a major market position .
18 In general , it is fair to say that one can use a magnification of × 50 for each inch of aperture ( forgive my temporarily reverting to Imperial measure ! ) , so that a 3-inch refractor will bear a magnification of × 150 , a 6-inch will bear × 300 , and so on .
19 Starving people in the sub-Sahara can not afford much quality , though it is fair to say that their problems are more political than strictly agricultural .
20 It is fair to say that nothing Frank has achieved as a film-maker approaches the heights he scaled with The Americans .
21 Should a court be prevented from hearing and acting on evidence that , despite the lapse of a few hours , a defendant 's temperament was such that it is fair to say that he or she was provoked to lose self-control , and that it was not calculated revenge ?
22 Nevertheless , it is fair to say that he was far more conscious of the reductionist tendencies in logical positivism than were others who passed through this particular school of thought .
23 From an early age , it is fair to say that he has enjoyed an arm's-length relationship with reality .
24 As I recall , he had not been initially so preoccupied with the peace treaty when it was drawn up at the end of the Great War , and I think it is fair to say that his interest was prompted not so much by an analysis of the treaty , but by his friendship with Herr Karl-Heinz Bremann .
25 Frightened by the threat of invasion ( Fears in Solitude ) , he was beginning that slide or jump to the Right which angered and puzzled his liberal associates , though it is fair to say that his revolutionary sympathies , unlike Wordsworth 's , had never been more than superficial .
26 Autonomy is important to everyone , but I think it is fair to say that it is of particular importance in adolescence .
27 It is fair to say that it has the sweep and scope of an encyclical .
28 I shall not pursue the matter further , as I have bored my Back-Bench and Front-Bench colleagues endlessly with it , but it is fair to say that there should be an equal playing field .
29 Now whilst the minister quite understandable pays tribute er to those who spent some considerable time and effort in getting the practice notes right and responding to the government 's proposals , it is fair to say that there are many , not just in the auditing industry , but those who represent the companies who are audited who have expressed a number of concerns , a minister has mentioned some , the relations with the client for example .
30 However , it is difficult to say that it is a rational approach .
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