Example sentences of "it is [adj] [adv] that the " in BNC.

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1 It is essential therefore that the West , and especially the countries of the European Community , give their support . ’
2 It is essential therefore that the managers are highly motivated .
3 It is ironic both that the new architecture of the masses should eventually have ended the dominance of great houses , and that more ordinary men and women should have become protagonists in the novel , for these were not the developments , either in life or in art , that Disraeli had in mind .
4 It is strange therefore that the signal box instruments revealed it as clear , the signal must have been at green , or had a heavy weight been lying across the signal wire ?
5 It is arguable therefore that the provisions dealing with the residence of trustees as a body of persons in TCGA 1992 , s69(1) are not applicable to the non-resident trust code .
6 It is possible also that the increased expenditure might alleviate the crowding cost associated with a greater number of people , and in this case the curve would shift to the right , thereby increasing the optimal number of individuals for the community .
7 It is possible too that the black couples who were allowed to adopt in the period of the study were ‘ white parents in black skins ’ .
8 However , pH can influence the outcome of competition , with acidic conditions selecting for acetogenesis , and it is possible therefore that the luminal pH in the colon is important in this respect .
9 It is true however that the January survey which is erm which took place very recently erm , there were only fifteen vacancies in the subject in this in the country overall , it 's also true to say that of thirteen thousand one hundred religious education specialists in the country , only half of them were actually teaching their own subject .
10 It is true also that the most recent judicial statements afford considerable latitude to the public authority in devising its own procedures .
11 It is true also that the regulations will be a matter for discussion at a later stage .
12 It is important too that the National Curriculum does not become a strait-jacket .
13 It is sadder still that the weight of being given funding may soon be lifted from FAB by the London Borough 's Grants Unit proposal to cut FAB 's grant .
14 It is sensible therefore that the health departments should give priority for new schemes to areas such as the north west of England and the west of Scotland where the prevalence of dental caries remains high and where large water treatment works allow for economies of scale .
15 It is likely also that the practice of swallowing a paste made of powdered pearls indulged in by Francis Bacon among others was derived from India , where it was established in Hindu usage .
16 It is likely too that the provision for value had originally been framed in relation to purchase for value , for otherwise there is no good reason why Ulpian should be concerned with fitting other legal relationships into the same pattern as sale .
17 It is likely too that the priest tidied up and eliminated any traces there may have been of disordered thinking or language , as he almost certainly corrected any theological mistakes , for his own safety .
18 It is incredible also that the Labour party proposes for a widow four different intrusive valuations of her house , and proposes , too , that that same widow should be penalised with higher taxation if she has made improvements to her property .
19 Bearing in mind the evolving nature of the project itself with regard to guidelines on the format of proposals , the need for detailed spending plans and so on , it is natural enough that the shape and membership of the library committees in the first wave of schools were initially rather vague , the committees developing into more clearly constituted bodies as project development got under way .
20 Although the Bible 's claim for itself is that God did directly speak through men , and that he so controlled them that they said what he wanted them to say , it is clear also that the men concerned used their own minds in the process .
21 It is clear today that the article 's portrait of his career was correct in every significant detail .
22 It is clear then that the DUP will receive the votes of the working-class loyalists so long as it retains an image of being more unionist than the Officials , unless there should be an alternative to the right of the DUP .
23 It is clear therefore that the use ( insider dealing ) or disclosure ( tipping ) of confidential information would be covered .
24 Nevertheless , it is clear enough that the realities of pre-war football do not find agreement with postwar nostalgia .
25 The contemporary evidence is fragmentary , but it is clear enough that the strike was the occasion for certain master printers to revive the idea of employing women .
26 It is notable also that the H pylori positive patients with DU differed more from the non-ulcer controls with respect to their lower prevalence of blood group A 1 than increased prevalence of blood group O.
27 But it is notable enough that the deal is worth 3.6 times the annual $125m sales value of these products .
28 It is evident then that the optimal number of residents increases to .
29 It is imperative therefore that the Church utilise all available media to communicate herself clearly .
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