Example sentences of "it in a [adj] [noun sg] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If you leave it in a dark place and keep it wet it 's bound to grow big .
2 To return to Griffith 's experiments , Griffith was not the first man to draw strong glass fibres but he was probably the first man to do it in a systematic way and to provide a plausible explanation of the results .
3 I would do it in a nice way and then he might remember me and ask me out later . ’
4 And he likes it in a certain place and nobody must touch it .
5 When you remove food from the freezer , do n't leave it in a warm atmosphere or allow it to come into contact with unclean hands , surfaces or equipment before returning it to the freezer — you will be at risk of freezing in any contamination .
6 I know when Carl was , was doing it in a modest way and he , he 'd seen this on , and he said it 's impossible that the way they do it !
7 And I did n't go about it in a bombastic way or anything like that , I just gave them their orders you see , the two shunters .
8 That celebrated refusal to sell David Hirst leaves Fergie with at least £3.5 million and now perhaps he can spend it in a different direction and under less panic-driven circumstances .
9 The simplest way to destroy an ailing fish is to hold it in a damp cloth and dash it smartly against a hard surface such as a concrete path .
10 At the beginning of the session she lights the candle , the children sit round it in a large circle and she asks them to watch the flame , to concentrate on the flame and nothing else .
11 He goes look , I 'll write it down on an envelope , I 'll put it in a little envelope and you look at it before you die , but promise me you wo n't look at it before you die cos if you look at it before you die , it 'll happen to you .
12 Dad , dad used to use it for the bonfires but when he , when he did n't have any petrol he used to use it on the bonfire and he had it in a secret bottle and erm he got it too near and he did n't realize and all of a sudden it goes really really hot and he threw it and everywhere .
13 we rehearsed it and we rehearsed it and I mean I did n't mind they were paying the bill for and I literally with a college took up residence for several days before it in a local hotel and we went through it in every fine detail
14 When I painted it was for myself , I could afford the luxury of spending two years on a painting ; I did n't have to worry about whether anyone was interested in it or not or whether I would exhibit it in a commercial gallery or whether it would be sold .
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