Example sentences of "it was [adv] [vb pp] that [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was eventually agreed that each would pay half this cost and as the junction between the two systems was on a rather narrow section of road at the foot of a hump-backed railway bridge , the boundary was not a suitable place for a change point .
2 The animal tested was an Asian elephant , but it was soon confirmed that African elephants produce infrasound as well .
3 There was considerable discussion upon the interpretation of the term " use of force " It was finally agreed that local commanders appeared to be using their discretion in a satisfactory manner … and that it was unwise to makes any further interpretation . "
4 It was finally agreed that local commanders appeared to be using their discretion in a satisfactory manner as to the means used to persuade Jugoslavs that they should return to Jugoslavia , and that it was unwise to make any further interpretation . "
5 The Home Office originally announced that no prisoners had been injured , but it was finally admitted that 54 had been , and that there had been criminal assaults on prisoners by staff .
6 It was confidently predicted that some firms , particularly the smaller ones , would also go out of business as a consequence of the 1985 round of price cutting .
7 Part of the misconception arose because the bones of early humans have often been found with bones of other animals , and it was simplistically assumed that this showed that they had killed and eaten other animals , and had later died amid the remains of previous meals .
8 It was officially stated that 47 per cent of the members of the new central committee were aged under 49 , that four of them were women and that 41 per cent had received education to university level .
9 The complete results were not released , nor were the names of defeated candidates ; it was officially claimed that 503 candidates took part .
10 It was officially reported that 36,000 possible offenders had surrendered by a Nov. 10 deadline imposed in August by the Supreme People 's Procuratorate .
11 The anti-Hoxha demonstrations were put down by the police and troops with increasing force , and on Feb. 23 it was officially reported that two demonstrators and a policeman had been shot dead when a crowd reportedly tried to storm the Tirana military academy ( the opposition claimed up to 30 dead , and attributed some of the shooting to clashes between rival pro- and anti-reform factions within the army ) .
12 It was generally believed that this would increase their efficiency in line with private industry .
13 Although the allies stressed that every effort was being made to minimize " collateral damage " , it was generally accepted that significant civilian casualties were inflicted during the air campaign .
14 It was generally accepted that this was best achieved by attacking enemy tactical aircraft on their airfields .
15 His15 in S. faecalis HPr has a relatively low p K a ( 6.1 ) and it was generally accepted that this resulted from the direct interaction between the side chains of His15 and Arg17 .
16 It was generally agreed that this legislation could only be viewed as punitive , particularly in an area such as West Belfast , which is devoid of any real opportunities for employment .
17 Lynch knocked out Peter Kane of Golborne in the thirteenth round , and it was generally agreed that this had been one of the finest contests between flyweight boxers .
18 There were one or two controversial incidents , such as the Kallicharran run-out , over the years , but it was generally agreed that these arose from misplaced exuberance rather than any darker motives ; and despite his South African origins , there were few complaints when he replaced Denness as captain in 1975 .
19 While it was generally agreed that these broad aims were appropriate , there were considerable difficulties in their detailed implementation , often arising from conflicts over land use .
20 His views on divisive issues such as abortion , crime and affirmative action were not clearly defined , however , and it was generally thought that this factor , together with his general pragmatism , would assist him in seeking to heal the current divisions within the Republican Party .
21 St Paul had taught that the powers that be were ordained of God , and it was generally held that all power , genuinely held , was God-given , that kings were of God 's choosing .
22 It was well known that political life played havoc with family life .
23 Although the detailed composition of the party was not made public , it was well known that prominent members of the PSP , including Anibal Escalante and Carlos Rafael Rodriguez , had significant influence in the new organisation .
24 It was even rumoured that Western architects were approached , but that must have been at a subordinate level since early on one clear idea took hold of Ceauşescu 's mind : the whole project , from design through the workforce to the materials used , must come from Romania itself .
25 In c.1308 it was even suggested that some Gascons , especially from the Agenais , might have rebelled openly against their duke had it not been for the existence of French sovereign jurisdiction as a kind of safety valve .
26 It was also noted that interventionist action could include leafleting in the area , talks to local groups and the preparation of kits and materials as well as the organisation of pressure groups and similar activities .
27 It was also noted that central training units in particular , can be defined as offering ‘ internal ’ , ‘ external ’ , or ‘ co-operative ’ training , according to the prevailing local relationship , ( some library departments are ‘ charged ’ for centrally run courses ) .
28 It was also felt that consequent uncertainty in the bookselling trade would lead booksellers to place smaller initial orders for new titles , and that rising prices and the axing of valuable but commercially marginal titles from publishers ' lists would ensue ( both of the latter effects have , in fact , to some extent ensued , in spite of the judgement ) .
29 Shortly before polling it was also revealed that senior city officials had met in Pusan , on Dec. 11 , to discuss ways of clandestinely supporting Kim Young Sam .
30 It was also announced that all telecommunications , banking and other public services on the island would be terminated .
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