Example sentences of "it was [adv] [verb] that [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was eventually agreed that each would pay half this cost and as the junction between the two systems was on a rather narrow section of road at the foot of a hump-backed railway bridge , the boundary was not a suitable place for a change point .
2 It was confidently predicted that some firms , particularly the smaller ones , would also go out of business as a consequence of the 1985 round of price cutting .
3 Part of the misconception arose because the bones of early humans have often been found with bones of other animals , and it was simplistically assumed that this showed that they had killed and eaten other animals , and had later died amid the remains of previous meals .
4 It was generally believed that this would increase their efficiency in line with private industry .
5 It was generally accepted that this was best achieved by attacking enemy tactical aircraft on their airfields .
6 His15 in S. faecalis HPr has a relatively low p K a ( 6.1 ) and it was generally accepted that this resulted from the direct interaction between the side chains of His15 and Arg17 .
7 It was generally agreed that this legislation could only be viewed as punitive , particularly in an area such as West Belfast , which is devoid of any real opportunities for employment .
8 Lynch knocked out Peter Kane of Golborne in the thirteenth round , and it was generally agreed that this had been one of the finest contests between flyweight boxers .
9 There were one or two controversial incidents , such as the Kallicharran run-out , over the years , but it was generally agreed that these arose from misplaced exuberance rather than any darker motives ; and despite his South African origins , there were few complaints when he replaced Denness as captain in 1975 .
10 While it was generally agreed that these broad aims were appropriate , there were considerable difficulties in their detailed implementation , often arising from conflicts over land use .
11 His views on divisive issues such as abortion , crime and affirmative action were not clearly defined , however , and it was generally thought that this factor , together with his general pragmatism , would assist him in seeking to heal the current divisions within the Republican Party .
12 St Paul had taught that the powers that be were ordained of God , and it was generally held that all power , genuinely held , was God-given , that kings were of God 's choosing .
13 Because it was n't considered that that the level of housing required could be accommodated in that area .
14 It was not disputed that such interference with business is tortious if any unlawful means are used . ’
15 The evidence produced included a transcript in English of Price 's evidence before the City Court of Gôteborg ; and it was not disputed that this evidence was admissible under paragraph 12 of the Schedule 1 .
16 It was not conceived that these made up , in present-day terms , a system for securing and guaranteeing quality .
17 There was , however , ‘ increasing concern [ in Europe ] about the role of soil acidification ’ ( it was not mentioned that this has been caused by air pollution ) .
18 In c.1308 it was even suggested that some Gascons , especially from the Agenais , might have rebelled openly against their duke had it not been for the existence of French sovereign jurisdiction as a kind of safety valve .
19 It was also fitting that former London Marathon winner Hugh Jones , pictured should take the title to add his name to the list of marathon superstars who have conquered the event .
20 It was also announced that all telecommunications , banking and other public services on the island would be terminated .
21 It was also said that both masters neglected to wear their gowns , that the gardens were overgrown , and that , though there were still about 150 boys at the School , yet " they were of a lower class than formerly " .
22 But it was also recognized that such circumstances called for different strategies within the respective elementary and higher sectors of education .
23 However , it was also accepted that such programs could be protected if not dictated by idea .
24 It was also resolved that this article should appear in ‘ Contact ’ to inform members of Convocation of the course of action that has been forced on Standing Committee by Hong Kong Branch due to their noncompliance with the standing orders of the Branch Constitution .
25 It was also suggested that some sort of ‘ Irish dimension ’ ( to borrow the term of the 1980s ) be institutionalized by the creation of a Council of Ireland made up of representatives of the Westminster and Dublin parliaments and members from the to-be-created Stormont ‘ Assembly ’ .
26 It was also suggested that this faction was backed by elements in Vietnam who feared a type of democratic " domino effect " if open elections were to take place in Cambodia .
27 It was also expected that this decision would lead to the building of a power station to use the lignite .
28 It was also estimated that some 275,000 of the hurricane 's victims remained without electricity and that 150,000 were homeless .
29 It was also implied that these illegal forces had been deployed in western Kenya where they were being used to foment ethnic violence [ see p. 38854 ] .
30 However , it was also shown that this gate mechanism was controlled by impulses descending from the brain .
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