Example sentences of "it in [art] [noun] of his " in BNC.

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1 She felt it in every touch of his hand as he helped her over hazards .
2 He wound the cord tightly and buried it in the bottom of his trouser pocket .
3 A throw forward occurs when a player carrying the ball throws or passes it in the direction of his opponents ' dead-ball line ’ .
4 He took down the picture of Uncle John and put it in the drawer of his desk .
5 ’ Patrick eased the faded sea pink out of the pocket and stuck it in the buttonhole of his shirt .
6 She handed this creature to Roland , who took it as he might have done a kitten , cradling it in the crook of his elbow , and adding to it , in turn , the nightcapped one , in tiny white pleats and broderie anglaise , and the dark-headed one , severe in dark peacock .
7 He had heard the name Blond , Dagmar , through Gabriel and stored it in the back of his mind .
8 You see it in the set of his face and the obdurate , awkward dignity with which he carries his body — thick set and strong above the two prostheses — aluminium under the trouser-legs , steel behind the smile , pained concentration in the eyes .
9 He looked like a man with nothing more on this mind than reaching the bar on the far side of the room — and yet she could feel a tension in the muscle of his arm , see it in the set of his mouth .
10 What seems to happen is that an individual , given his arrival in a situation , reviews it in the context of his own objectives and decides that if he takes certain actions , the situation will change in the direction of his objectives .
11 The misspelling may be because the child has not previously seen the word written down , but more likely because he has seen it in the context of his reading , without paying much attention to anything more than its contour — that is , he has recognised the word without having to decode it , and has understood it without giving its spelling structure close attention .
12 Another housemaster in describing what he would ideally like to do also set it in the context of his sense of powerlessness .
13 He removed the medal and held it in the palm of his hand .
14 A Roman Catholic persecuted under Elizabeth I , he designed the Triangular Lodge in his prison cell as a symbol of the Holy Trinity and built it in the grounds of his home when he was released .
15 Carmichael states that ‘ the plant is secretly secured in the bodices of the women and in the vests of the men , under the left armpit ’ , while Martin Martin gives an account of a man in Berneray , Harris , who wore it in the neck of his coat to prevent him from seeing visions , and ‘ he never saw any since he first carried that plant about with him ’ .
16 It 'll Be All Right on the Night host Dennis Norden searched for his cordless telephone , only to discover that his pet dog had buried it in the garden of his London home .
17 Wiping his hands on a towel , he opened it up , stretched it a couple of times , and then slipped it in the pocket of his dirty apron .
18 Shamlou picked up the buff envelope and stuffed it in the pocket of his windcheater .
19 But it needs to be borne in mind that such connections are not an automatic or necessary consequence of the formal structure of the poetry ; they are the result of the reader 's bringing his own sensibility and experience to bear on the text , and interpreting it in the light of his own conscious or unconscious idea of the nature and function of literature .
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