Example sentences of "it must be [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It must be said on James 's behalf that he refrained from doing so .
2 Ignore , he said , unrealistic prattling from political sources ; when recovery comes it must be based on fact , not prattling .
3 It must be based on observation and enquiry in the field .
4 This is not so and the principal has to be actively involved ; if the relationship is to be successful then it must be based upon partnership and cooperation .
5 This decision is of vital importance , and of course it must be made before trading can commence .
6 It must be echoed in slogans , posters , the visual design of venues for meetings , speeches , interviews , rallies and press releases .
7 Conversely , if sign language is universally understood , then it must be limited to concrete and picturable concepts .
8 It must be demoralising for workers to be working alongside people who are being paid twice for doing the same job .
9 Since it takes place ‘ inside ’ it must be related to memory .
10 In view of the absence of any definition of ‘ domicile ’ in the Act of 1988 , the Commission considered that , if the term was to be construed in its traditional sense , it must be assimilated to nationality .
11 If , on the other hand , ‘ domicile ’ had the meaning which that term had been given for the purposes of the application of the Brussels Convention , it must be assimilated to residence .
12 It must be borne in mind that there is a crucial distinction between crisis management and crisis resolution .
13 It must be borne in mind that the majority of these data have been derived from subjects younger than 65 years ( Koch-Weser , 1978 ) so that the effect of hypotensive drugs in the older age-groups regardless of their blood-pressure status was largely unknown until the recent publication of the European Working Party Trial which did show significant benefits in the elderly ( Amery et al , 1985 ) .
14 However , it must be borne in mind that work from the non-diabetic population has suggested that only between 30 and 50 per cent of patients are sodium sensitive ( Kawasaki et al , 1978 ) .
15 It must be borne in mind that when the painter settled in the square at Ambleside , his house was very near to Wordsworth 's stamp office .
16 It must be borne in mind that not every dead-end of a burrow terminates in a long , narrow hole .
17 It must be borne in mind that more copper equates to more adhesive holding the copper foil onto the glass fibre panel .
18 However , although absenteeism and turnover are lower , claim the company , than the average for Swedish industry as a whole , it must be borne in mind that the plant is in an area with a low level of industrialisation .
19 Adrenalin runs fast in the Cuillin and eagerness keeps the feet moving , but it must be borne in mind that the miles are long and rough and enough time must be allowed for the return to base .
20 The management will obviously expect their reception staff to sell the higher priced accommodation whenever possible , but it must be borne in mind that the interests of the client must come first , for a happy satisfied guest will return and spread goodwill .
21 The Association of Professors of Surgery has advised that every surgical trainee should undertake a period of full time research training , but it must be borne in mind that most surgeons will not subsequently perform laboratory research .
22 Attempts have been made to classify the various ‘ schools ’ of economics and law ; but convenient though these are , it must be borne in mind that the effective use of any interdisciplinary approach varies significantly according to how , where , and why it is being applied .
23 Notwithstanding the difficulty in determining the exact meaning of the information defined in s.10 , it must be borne in mind that whether information comes within the scope of the section is a question of fact for the jury or the magistrates to decide .
24 However , even in this context ( in the same way as in the case of joint-stock companies ) it must be borne in mind that a share certificate in Hungary ( like in many continental countries ) is not just a certificate of membership in a limited company but a marketable security , property which may be transferred in case of bearer shares by delivery and by endorsement in case of registered shares .
25 It must be borne in mind , that after 14 months of lay each flock should be depopulated , and the house/s completely cleaned out and creosoted .
26 It must be borne in mind that this distribution , while , likely to be typical of the 1910 sample as a whole , does reflect that sample sage structure : the information comes from marriages logged very largely between 1910 and 1920 and obviously tells us more about the families that sent their daughter to the trade in the 1900s than about the earlier decades .
27 At the same time it must be borne in mind that in literature , prominence and deviance frequently take a more extreme form ( for example in the Gormenghast passage on p 29 ) which would show up against practically any norm we should choose ; this more general deviance can be demonstrated by taking one 's relative norms from as broad a range as possible .
28 Although we have distinguished five discrete statuses , it must be borne in mind that the reality being described is a continuum — any discreteness is an artefact of the definitions .
29 Three such grades will be suggested ( although it must be borne in mind that the reality is a continuum ) : these are inappropriateness , paradox and incongruity .
30 However , it must be borne in mind that , according to the case law of the court :
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