Example sentences of "it will [adv] [verb] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think the banks will keep it on the lane and I suppose it 'll just roll to a halt eventually . ’
2 Now it 'll probably degenerate into a game of chicken between Gates and Sun chief Scott McNealy .
3 Take a Dominican anole from the south ( left ) , move it to the north , and chances are it will soon turn into a genuine northerner ( below ) .
4 Of course , if by some atmospheric freak the wind and its turbulence should fail , it will simply revert to a normal parachute , delivering its burden safely back to the ground .
5 You keep the line dressed and straight behind the float and a certain tension at the point where the float tip protrudes from the surface so that the slightest movement of your wrist just lifts the float fractionally without interfering with its progress downstream and you watch it lift slightly and settle and feel in your bones — if you 've executed the hold-back right — that it will surely sink to a fish before travelling another inch .
6 It will also contribute to a continuing debate about the volume of UK capital exports and the effects on the domestic economy of high levels of foreign lending .
7 Indeed , recently the French Government suggested that in addition to its measure to reduce the working week , establish early retirement and other features to deal with some of the multiplier effects of growing structural unemployment , it will also engage in a campaign of socially useful production similar to that advocated by the Lucas workers .
8 It will also act as a catalyst for the regeneration and enhancement of the town , complementing its other nationally-important attractions : the Castle , St. Nicholas 's Church , and medieval Town Walls .
9 It will also act as a service to the Research and other interested constituencies .
10 This is written in QBASIC ( as supplied with MSDOS 5 ) , but it will also run as a Quick BASIC program .
11 This is actually frogspawn and it will eventually grow into a tadpole and then a frog .
12 Timothy O'Riordan , of the University of East Anglia , thinks sustainability might be accepted as the ‘ mediating term ’ between developers and environmentalists , although he leans to the view that it will eventually languish as a ‘ good idea ’ which can not sensibly be put into practice .
13 The author wrote that during reform , it was ‘ admirable ’ for students to do ‘ creative ’ things but the results were ‘ worrying ’ because , ‘ it will probably lead to a vicious circle of everybody doing business ’ .
14 Indeed it will probably contribute to a very much better relationship .
15 It will probably belong to a housemartin .
16 As for the GAF trial , it will probably live as a symbol of prosecution farce and the flaws of the Boesky boom .
17 But gradually it 's sunk in but when I 'm there it will probably seem like a dream .
18 A degree in your fifties , sixties and seventies may not lead to a new career , but it will certainly result in a growing confidence and greater fulfilment .
19 The church planting team often has an obvious opportunity to get involved with secular organisations in that it will often meet in a secular building .
20 Even if filter pipework appears clear , it will always benefit from a pull-through with a soft flue-brush , the type with a flexible handle .
21 In ordinary aquarium sand or gravel it will merely survive for a few months .
22 First , the very fact that this standard of review is so limited means that it will only serve as a long stop to catch extreme examples of aberrant administrative behaviour .
23 That will not happen immediately or alternatively it will only happen for a short period of time .
24 The abnormal can be left , for news of it will inevitably rise like a suppurating boil .
25 The river rushes over rocks and boulders ; it will suddenly empty into a beautiful serene lake , tumble over rapids and waterfalls , meet impassable dams and at each bend of the river you will see different terrain and totally different conditions .
26 At the election it will undoubtedly turn into a nightmare for them .
27 It will then feed into a 22-km-long canal — some 25 metres wide and of an open , trapezoidal cross-section — running east to the Judean foothills .
28 It will then switch to a new design , which is yet to be decided .
29 panel , it will then go as a figure , two million pounds in the budget decide
30 It will then go through a container now that container , ultimately , will contain this is why it 's called a container !
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