Example sentences of "it would [be] [adj] [prep] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I had to come sooner or later and I thought it 'd be easier with someone else here . ’
2 That way it would be invisible to anyone watching from the other side of the building .
3 Mr Hermens added : ‘ Anyone can order the seals in the same number range and it would be easy for anyone who has the seals to open them .
4 Of course , on any theory , the ceremony by which he had been invested conformed to no canonical rules of election or investiture , and it is astonishing — or rather , it would be astonishing in anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of Canon Law — that among all his other objections , Anselm never mentioned the defective procedure as a reason for refusing the office .
5 At that point , they decided it would be best for everyone if they went home .
6 If their appetites return following the deprivation then it would be pointless of anyone to argue , after the manner of Regan , that by barring them from eating what they prefer the farmer is harming their interests .
7 In principle it would be quite possible for the study of English poetry to begin in a similar ab initio fashion , except that it would be fruitless for someone to embark on it who did not have at least some familiarity with poetry and a wish to read more .
8 He had informed his silent audience of the death — just ‘ death ’ — of Dr Kemp ; explained that in order to establish the , er , totality of events , it would be necessary for everyone to complete a little questionnaire ( duly distributed ) , sign and date it , and hand it in to Sergeant Lewis ; that the departure of the coach would have to be postponed until late afternoon , perhaps , with lunch by courtesy of The Randolph ; that Mr Cedric Downes had volunteered to fix something up for that morning , from about 10.45 to 12.15 ; that ( in Morse 's opinion ) activity was a splendid antidote to adversity , and that it was his hope that all the group would avail themselves of Mr Downes 's kind offer ; that if they could all think back to the previous day 's events and try to recall anything , however seemingly insignificant , that might have appeared unusual , surprising , out-of-character — well , that was often just the sort of thing that got criminal cases solved .
9 Such an insider 's account will therefore hopefully achieve the ‘ finer grain and detail ’ MacDonald ( 1987 ) demanded of postmodern ‘ anthropology at home ’ , while ‘ practical mastery ’ of the ethnographic field should reduce the problems faced by McCabe and Sutcliffe ( 1978 ) , who set out to pursue participant observation on the police and found that ‘ it would be necessary for anyone wishing to fully understand the process of policing to take into account the difficulties in gaining access and an understanding of just what was going on ’ .
10 It would be impossible for anyone who was there to forget her singing , particularly of the Agnus Dei .
11 The persons solicited in this way reacted with annoyance , perhaps indicating that they supposed that they were being solicited for the purposes of prostitution ( the magistrates having found as a fact that ‘ it would be impossible for anyone so touted or solicited without enquiry to appreciate the purpose of the solicitation , and that a solicitation for this purpose in the circumstances of time and place was such an affront that it might provoke a breach of the peace . ’ )
12 Last night Tony Sullivan , a friend of Mr Prescott and the North West area representative of the national Amateur Bodybuilding Association , said it would be impossible for anyone to compete at his level without using drugs to boost their performance .
13 Last night Tony Sullivan , a friend of Mr Prescott and the North West area representative of the national Amateur Bodybuilding Association , said it would be impossible for anyone to compete at his level without using drugs to boost their performance .
14 According to the theory of relativity , nothing can travel faster than the speed of light , so there would be a region from which it would be impossible for anything to escape .
15 One collector even suggested to Mr Laurentius that no one was really waiting for these new techniques and that it would be better for everyone if he stopped .
16 It would be insulting to someone of Walker 's stature to pretend otherwise .
17 It would be naive for anyone to suggest that politicians in should not be seeking to gain the maximum advantage from the European Community .
18 But it ran with each school area , you know , Berry , Grimness , Marketthorpe and so on , and now of course the total areas as one but I think perhaps it would be permissible to somebody with local parentage maybe not resident in the area .
19 It would be wasteful for everyone to do the same team training over and over again .
20 If it released the figures before it would be obvious to everyone that Mr Hyams ' management philosophy had been superior to that of MEPC 's .
21 Small blame to him , of course ; it would be difficult for anyone to believe it .
22 Clearly the phrase can mean anything one likes : it would be difficult for anybody to refuse to sign up to such a worthy aim as international understanding .
23 Because no one can know at this stage what those conditions might be , it would be unwise for anyone now to decide irrevocably to take that decision at a future date .
24 Lifelong Lions ' fan Steve reckons it would be ideal for anyone who wants to stop toilet rolls being chucked into their front garden .
25 However , so far as the present case is concerned , this little girl … was only 6 and it would be idle for anyone to suggest that a girl of that age had sufficient understanding and knowledge to decide whether to consent or resist . ’
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