Example sentences of "it have been [vb pp] [adv] from " in BNC.

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1 THE extraordinary thing about Laura Ashley is not that it has been dragged back from the financial brink ; it is that it was ever pushed there in the first place .
2 Where there has been new investment it has been financed largely from income generated in Africa and re-invested locally .
3 The gap in the paper where it has been torn away from the seal is a desirable human touch rather than a blemish .
4 Nuadu could see that even the pale , jellied part of one eye was partly missing and he had the sudden sickening impression that it had been eaten away from within .
5 Whatever happened to the case of the Sevso silver , the Roman hoard valued conservatively at £40 million , blocked in a New York court since February 1990 when Sotheby 's proudly announced it to the world , only to have the Lebanon and Yugoslavia , and later Hungary , claim that it had been removed illegally from their countries ?
6 Dalgliesh found himself wondering if it had been brought back from a school trip to the capital .
7 And it had been taken away from him .
8 Earlier it had been drawn overwhelmingly from the privileged strata , the sons of the landed nobility and higher ranks of the civil service , and only a few outstanding figures had emerged as pioneers in the ‘ gentry stage ’ of the revolutionary movement .
9 Anna and her mother lived in a little detached house which looked as though it had been sliced off from some larger building .
10 A flower-print dress was draped across the back of the chair , and there was a brown battered suitcase on the floor at her feet , which looked as if it had been pulled out from beneath the bed .
11 And not expecting everything to look as if it 's been lifted straight from the page of a glossy foodie magazine . ’
12 It 's only cheaper because it 's in a sale , it 's been reduced down from forty pounds , it was forty pounds before .
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