Example sentences of "it have been [vb pp] by [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There can be little doubt , however , that geomorphology within physical geography needs to overcome its unnatural reluctance to become familiar with the principles underlying landscape processes because this will not necessarily prejudice the retention of a meso-scale approach and it has been achieved by sedimentology ( e.g. Allen , 1970 ) and by soil science .
2 To describe behaviour as skilled is to say no more than that it has been influenced by training and experience .
3 It has been characterised by dictatorship , lack of respect for human rights and corruption .
4 Fathers who choose instead to commit acts of oral sex or buggery on them will commit no offence save where the girl 's consent , in the narrow , legal sense of the term , is lacking or where it has been obtained by threat , which may be difficult to prove .
5 But it is a useful conception ; and it has been applied by Statute to some public officers , such as certain Ministers and the Official Solicitor .
6 In part this has been promoted by fundholding , but more fundamentally it has been stimulated by health authorities engaging in a dialogue with general practitioners and giving greater priority to primary care as a result .
7 Also check you damp proof course : if it has been breached by soil , or a new patio being built above it , it may have become ineffective .
8 ‘ We have also had to throw away 200 lbs of meat in case it has been contaminated by glass fragments .
9 The colliery reopened last year when 160 miners invested £10,000 each to form a consortium but it has been beset by production and financial difficulties .
10 When this happens , there is no longer any such thing as prehistory : it has been replaced by history .
11 By contrast , it has been argued by Janzen that species-specific ‘ predation ’ of juveniles growing around their mother will lead to a progressive decline in density of successful saplings towards the mother .
12 Christian Aid in a Changing World and how it has been shaped by World Wants and Developing Relationships .
13 In both the United Kingdom and Ireland an international agreement has no effect in municipal law unless it has been incorporated by legislation ; therefore in neither State could individuals use this provision to bring a legal action to prevent their government from entering into a new or modified agreement .
14 Everyday language , the language of tea and scones , when it has been beaten by use into everyday forms , is termed vernacular .
15 At percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography bile is often sampled on initial puncture of the liver at a site distant from the stricture whereas at endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography sampling is usually carried out at the site of the stricture after it has been disrupted by insertion of an endoprosthesis .
16 It has been suggested by revisionist historians that Truman 's policy in the Far East in the summer of 1945 was governed by his hostility to Russia and that the atomic bomb was deployed against Japan in part at least to persuade the Soviet Union to follow a less abrasive policy in eastern Europe .
17 Continental law , with its emphasis upon a unitary concept of dominium in which possession is central ( possession vaut titre ) , is reluctant to recognise a non-possessory security right except insofar as it has been introduced by statute .
18 Complete with toys and magazines it has been decorated by hospital staff .
19 ‘ Yes it has been greeted by cynicism in some quarters and we need to be able to answer the cynics ’ questions , ’ he says , adding .
20 It has been launched by Toolbox of Sweden in direct competition to the Arbortech Woodcarver ; the principle of both tools being to imitate the action of chainsaw teeth , but in a safer , more versatile manner .
21 The group was expected to have completed its recommendations by last spring , but it has been riven by controversy .
22 It has been predicted by motor industry scientists that by the year 2000 only half of cars will still use petrol , with methanol the next largest power source followed by diesel , liquefied petroleum gas and alcohol produced by biomass .
23 It has been shown by electron microscopy that , even in the presence of excess enzyme , when one endonuclease molecule binds and translocates pBR322 DNA there is no evidence of a second endonuclease molecule binding to the same DNA [ 10 ] .
24 This matter of cellulose breakdown is of vital importance to the whole question of the nutrition of the living cells , for it has been shown by experiment that raw cellulose can be injurious to plants as it is indigestible to animals , and in both the soil and the digestive tract of herbivora , cellulose decomposition is largely performed by fungi .
25 Would it have been affected by fallout from Chernobyl ?
26 Rather than reject Marxism on the grounds that it had been disproved by history , as Merleau-ponty had done , he sought to account for Stalinism through a dialectical analysis of the specific history of the Soviet Union since the Revolution : theory and practice , he argued , had become separated with the result that the former had become ‘ sclerosed ’ while the latter had become ‘ blind ’ and ‘ unprincipled ’ ( I , 50 ) .
27 Since then the rumours have escalated : that the sister of Arkle had been remeasured by the Ordnance Survey ; that it had been resurveyed by satellite — that Foinavon , by virtue of its new stature , had joined the charmed 277 .
28 Not only was the distress worse , it had been aggravated by interference from Westminster .
29 It looked as though something had chewed the handkerchief , or it had been destroyed by acid or something .
30 They suggested that it had been created by fusion within the metal and that muons from cosmic radiation might have been the catalyst .
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