Example sentences of "it have [vb pp] to a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 However , the SEA has resulted in a dramatic increase in the activities of the EC , and it has led to a chain of events which have focused attention on the EC as being one of the most successful and dynamic economic agencies in the world .
2 It has got to a stage where I am not looking ahead to what might happen in a few weeks or a few months .
3 There was a dawdle in its pace , and there had been times when it had halted completely , other times when it had slowed to a crawl .
4 In 1950 , the index ranged from 36 for Guatemala to 77 for Argentina , but by the mid 1970s , it had risen to a range of 43 for Bolivia and 90 for Puerto Rico ( Felix 1983 ) .
5 And so it had started ; and now it had come to a head .
6 The horse was almost upon her and she shut her eyes , the better to see when it had reined to a halt .
7 For Oldfield , exacting a satisfactory arrangement with Virgin had become a point of principle , inextricably entwined with his feelings for the man whom he had long regarded as friend and protector , and his need to prove something to himself : ‘ It had got to a point where I said I ca n't respect myself unless I 'm prepared to stand up and fight Richard .
8 It had belonged to a man called Flowers , and they had gone to Manchester just because he had offered them the flat .
9 It had belonged to a family during the American civil war .
10 It had drawn to a halt , and above the slapping of the water Lefevre could discern obscure sounds of commotion as the vehicle rocked on its springs .
11 The ANC said it had agreed to a ceasefire , nothing more .
12 So it 's a process , it 's got interests , it 's related to a state and it 's in the international arena , very good , very good , a lot of erm er a lot of very good things there .
13 It 's gone to it 's got to a stage where he made that statement which he very very much means , he will never ever give them another album of his to market worldwide .
14 Actually it 's come to a point where as Palestinian women in this country whenever we hear the word feminism , it 's very negative to us because we immediately identify it with Western feminism .
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