Example sentences of "it have [adv] been [vb pp] from " in BNC.

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1 Although CDTV is positioned as a multimedia platform , it has not been designed from the ground up specifically for the purpose .
2 It has previously been recorded from depths of 0–740 m but recent investigations in the Rockall Trough by the SMBA have recorded it from 1200 m .
3 The rule has been slightly relaxed over the last few years , although only in relation to secondary legislation ; it has also been breached from time to time by a number of judges , not least by judicial free spirit , the former Master of the Rolls , Lord Denning .
4 It has also been recorded from Tristan d'Acunha in 1800 m , the type locality .
5 It has also been reported from the Alderley Edge mines in Cheshire ( Carlon , 1979 ) and in the Lake District ( Stanley and Vaughan , 1982 ) .
6 It has also been described from eastern Canada with fish remains very like those of the classic Scottish sections .
7 Chancroid , also called soft sore , soft chancre , and ‘ ulcus molle ’ , is a disease of world-wide distribution but is seen only rarely in temperate climates and is uncommon in Western Europe or North America and , when it has been diagnosed , it has usually been imported from warmer countries .
8 There is hope for Hector 's , but it has certainly been saved from fishing nets at the last hour , and will need all the protection and help it can get if it is to survive through the next century .
9 In the North Atlantic it has only been recorded from south of Martha 's Vineyard in 2509 m .
10 It has now been removed from sale by its makers , Uniroyal .
11 But it has long been known from careful palaeontological studies that even in the thick development in the Cotswolds , there is evidence of two major breaks and a period of folding in what otherwise was a very peaceful period in British geological history .
12 It has all been paid from Fabien 's estate , also the local taxes and the charge for water and electricity .
13 It had not been posted from outside or even sent through the internal mail in one of the recycled envelopes Prince Charles insisted they used for the interminable memos that are a feature of Palace life .
14 a radiograph of the pieces revealed that it had not been made from just one piece of iron , but from many welded together .
15 The general told a news conference that it had not been copied from the Americans , but because it was an ‘ easier , natural movement ’ .
16 Further evidence comes from a milestone found in 1785 in the ditch near the northwest gate , though it had probably been moved from its original location .
17 It had originally been built from the proceeds of the sale of indulgences and originally had on it a chapel to St. Anne .
18 It had meantime been withdrawn from the commercial market .
19 In the Portuguese elections of 1984 , where I was an adviser , it was quite a problem — it had always been done from the second floor — so I suggested the flatbed truck concept that had been so successful in Malta .
20 Time travellers forbidden from remaining in one place for more than a short while , The Shamen are taking pop to places it 's hitherto been excluded from .
21 Time travellers forbidden from remaining in one place for more than a short while , The Shamen are taking pop to places it 's hitherto been excluded from .
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