Example sentences of "it be now [adv] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 It is now well recognized that , in so far as survival in the twentieth century is concerned , men rather than women constitute the weaker sex .
2 Surprising though it may seem , although it is now well established that this is a serious problem with gliding , it is almost unknown in power flying circles or in the Air Force and it is taking many years to convince authorities .
3 It is now well established that diabetics are prone to early atherosclerosis ( Epstein et al , 1965 Pirart , 1978 ; Kannel & McGee , 1979 ) which appears no different from that in non-diabetics ( Robertson & Strong , 1968 ) .
4 It is now well established that NO exerts its actions through stimulation of a cytosolic guanylate cyclase with a consequent rise in cycliguanosine monophosphate ( cGMP ) concentrations .
5 Moreover , it is now well established that an injured plaintiff can recover for the unpaid services of a friend or relative .
6 It is now well known that distant galaxies are probably about 10 times farther away than Hubble inferred .
7 ‘ The defence of statutory authority to an action for nuisance was summarised in the speech of my noble and learned friend , Lord Wilberforce , in Allen v. Gulf Oil Refining Ltd. [ 1981 ] A.C. 1001 , 1011 as follows : ‘ It is now well settled that where Parliament by express direction or by necessary implication has authorised the construction and use of an undertaking or works , that carries with it an authority to do what is authorised with immunity from any action based on nuisance .
8 It is now firmly established that effective provision for children with special educational needs is achieved by paying attention to the curricular , pastoral and self-enhancing aspects of the school .
9 It is now firmly established that a company ( or indeed a partnership or sole trader ) definitely can make purchases other than in the course of its business .
10 It is now clearly ascertained that the present chartered body will not accept the terms which is understood have been proposed to them and for the information of the Governors of the Royal Veterinary College I shall feel much obliged by your informing me whether or not a Charter will be granted to them . ’
11 It is now clearly established that a juvenile who pleads guilty to an offence or series of offences for which the maximum term of custody is a sentence of 12 months ' detention in a young offender institution should normally receive an appropriate discount to reflect his plea , subject to the general principles governing the award of a discount .
12 And it is now equally clear that Mrs Thatcher 's response to this ultimatum was similarly direct .
13 In the USSR it is now officially recognized that the party should be organized more democratically , and attempts have been made at the level of primary organizations to involve the rank and file more in decision-making ( Hill , Dunmore and Dawisha 1981 , p. 201 ) .
14 It is now generally recognized that the attempt to analyse consciousness in terms of behaviour amounted to flying in the face of the facts .
15 It is now generally acknowledged that a man is usually at the peak of sexual potency and performance around the early twenties ; thereafter a slow decline sets in .
16 It is now generally acknowledged that Helicobacter pylori infection is the major cause of antral gastritis .
17 It is now generally realised that unless something is done to reduce accidents , other measures taken for the good of a nation 's health are being undermined .
18 It is now generally accepted that Frolik was a plant designed to waste MI5 's resources while important spies remained undetected and to sow seeds of distrust between MI5 and the CIA .
19 However , it is now generally accepted that β-thromboglobulin levels are elevated in diabetics ( Davis et al , 1979 ) and further evidence came from a large study of β-thromboglobulin and platelet factor 4 in diabetics compared to age- and sex-matched controls ( Betteridge et al , 1981 ) .
20 Using this method conflicting findings have been reported in studies of diabetic subjects ( Dollery et al , 1979 ; Davis et al , 1981 ) , and it is now generally accepted that there may be considerable non-specific interference in assaying this metabolite in plasma which might explain the different findings ( Greaves & Preston , 1982 ; Dollery et al , 1983 ) .
21 It is now generally accepted that this meeting was the first step on the unpremeditated road which led to the establishment of the London Veterinary College .
22 It is now generally accepted that nurture — the environment in which a child grows up — is a more important factor than heredity when it comes to the intelligence of the resulting adult human being .
23 It is now generally accepted that , about a lightyear from the Sun , far beyond the orbit of Pluto , there is a belt of at least 10 million comets , collectively known as the Oort Cloud , after the great Dutch astronomer Ian Oort .
24 It is now generally accepted that there is a division of labour within the brain , with different parts of the brain carrying out different functions .
25 It is now generally accepted that Jesus 's mother was the sister of Elizabeth , the mother of John .
26 It is now generally accepted that words prefixed by pett or pit ( similar to the Welsh and Cornish peth for ‘ thing ’ or ‘ piece ’ ) are of Pictish origin , as in places such as Pitlochry ( ‘ stony share ’ ) and Pittenweem ( ‘ share of the cave ’ ) .
27 Origin of Wings and Flight — It is now generally accepted that wings arose , perhaps in the early Devonian , as lateral expansions of the thoracic terga ( Hamilton , 197 z ) .
28 It is now generally accepted that the universe evolves according to well-defined laws .
29 We will not assign these spectra in detail , but it is now generally accepted that the ruthenium complex has three units held together only by metal-metal bonding , whereas the iron complex has bridging CO ligands , as well as many terminal ones .
30 There is a rich variety of different forecasting procedures , and it is now generally accepted that no one method is ‘ best ’ in every situation , but rather that the choice depends on various practical considerations .
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