Example sentences of "it be to [be] [det] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It was only nine years since Charles Sturt had returned , starving and almost blind , from discovering the Darling and the Murray Rivers ; it was to be another five years before he ventured towards the centre of Australia in search of that mythical inland sea .
2 It was to be another twelve months before the inhabitants of the valley , including the people settled here at Halling , were to see again the Roman Armies , with the local menfolk Possibly among the British force opposing them .
3 It was hardly flattering , with its account of the miserable climate — the vehement cold and the winds — and the forbidding landscape , with many rough mountains ( for it was to be another two centuries before Rousseau was to alert the attention of Europe to the beauty of mountain scenery ) .
4 In fact , it was to be another two years before the situation changed radically .
5 However , it was to be another fourteen years before the first permanent regional transmitter was opened in Mbeya in 1972 .
6 Mozart , then between 14 and 17 , was still very much under his father 's thumb and it was to be another eight years before he broke free from Salzburg , settled in Vienna and married Constanze Weber .
7 This chain of events led to British support of NATO becoming the basis of her Second Pillar of grand strategy , but it was to be another four years , and under Churchill 's last Administration , before it was finally set in concrete with the extension of the Brussels Treaty in the October 1954 .
8 But it was to be another 20 years before the changes had marked effect .
9 It was to be another three months before the war finally ended , on VJ Day .
10 It was to be another seven years before Franklin returned to his first love as commander of the Erebus on his most famous — and fatal — mission to find the legendary north-west passage from the polar seas to the north Pacific ; until then he occupied himself with the social and moral improvement of the colony under his charge .
11 I suppose if the doctor had got his diagnosis right , then I would have had to go to hospital but it was to be another ten years before I was sent to such a place .
12 Putting this principle into operation was to prove more difficult and contentious than may have been foreseen , and it was to be several more years before the CNAA was to consider changes in practice and begin consultations towards a new balance of ‘ minimum of control ’ with the duties imposed by the Charter .
13 But it was to be some considerable time before any more was heard of the letters or of Sir George .
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