Example sentences of "it be all [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 oh I 'll get it , it 's all mucked up in it , got ta clean the shed next thing
2 It 's a bit difficult to get the tomato out cos it 's all chopped in with the mince you see .
3 No but it 's all tied up with this role of national accounts
4 Again it 's part of the nervousness yeah I 'm gon na put me notes down there and I 'm not gon na hold them I you know I do n't want to be anywhere away from them so it 's all tied up with the preparation as well .
5 The government 's own team have recognised that morale in teaching is low and that the position this year is significantly worse than last , yet the government have for this year ignored the findings of that particular report and it 's all tied up with the whole issue of pay , workload etc ..
6 It 's all tied up in the shops . ’
7 Well it takes all th , no it 's all tied in with the plumbing you see , it 's there and everything .
8 All right then and I hope it 's all calmed down by then as well .
9 Yes but it 's all based down on cutting more .
10 Okay , no it 's , I 'm just going by the one at school and it , because it 's all made up of little dots you
11 Yeah , well say it 's all sold out by then .
12 Due mid-September also is a double album of ‘ Haçienda Classics ’ , from New Order to Marshall Jefferson , and it 's all topped off with a party at the club itself on Sept 14 .
13 It 's all wired up in the back as well .
14 it 's all set down in my statement .
15 Answer guide : Generally expenses are more certain in amount and it is easier to identify what has been used up as it is all used up in one period .
16 and it was all split up into the different seminar group , we we had to take one aspect .
17 she said it was all packed up in a box and I said well you would n't see it then would you ?
18 It was all taken up from home you see .
19 It was all taken up by the top brass you know .
20 It was all set up by , got the touch and gets the final touch with twenty four minutes gone and Notts deserve it , they 've been the better side in the early stages , but that will settle their nerves and give the Italians a little more to think about .
21 And they got an old curtain at the back door and then that 's all you sort of go through across the corner of the kitchen and he was making a bouquet of flowers and er he was setting them all out like and then when he bought it into me it was all set out in a big thing of cellophane and it 'd got two gold strips like
22 But it was all hazed over in endless mists of blue .
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