Example sentences of "it be a [noun sg] of our " in BNC.

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1 The motherboard can take a full 66MHz DX2 chip but there 's no easy upgrade socket — it 's a case of our with the old and in with the new .
2 For most it 's a lot of our services abroad are consultative .
3 I feel again that it 's a lot of our actual customers are the same people coming like we had in Allerton
4 Yes , I 've got it 's a precedent of our
5 Er it 's an invasion of our personal privacy .
6 It 's an infringement of our liberty . ’
7 It is a measure of our changing standards that 3.5 metre boats such as the Dancer , Mountain Bat and Invader are regarded as large boats today .
8 It is a culture of our times — and I do n't feel happy ignoring it . ’
9 Thus it is wretched to know that one is wretched , but it is a sign of our true greatness to know that we are wretched .
10 It is a sign of our growth as a movement that one magazine is no longer enough .
11 It is a part of our history , that , and a part which we revere greatly .
12 It is a reality of our professional lives . ’
13 It is a fact of our lives that change is constant and that change is often feared .
14 It is not so much a failure of one or other particular party , it is a failure of our culture to recognize the significance and importance of science and to elevate it within the nation more continuously and more substantially than governments of either party have chosen to do during the past 25 years .
15 It is an example of our support for a variety of worthy causes around the country . ’
16 It was a translation of our novel Ararat : his specialism is Armenian history , you see . ’
17 We had organised this before we left England and so it was a test of our planning skills .
18 It is unlikely that any of us could remember the first time we saw our own reflection ( mirrors often form part of toys aimed at very small babies , such as activity mats or cot toys , and there are , of course , lakes , kettles and other possibilities for reflection ) ; what is likely is that it was a member of our family ( probably our mother ) who told us : ‘ That 's you , that 's what you look like ’ .
19 They knew that they needed us and it was a question of our integrity and our goodwill .
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