Example sentences of "it be [adv] [subord] he [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 Yes it is Now when he was at school
2 It was probably because he was a doctor that he could n't face the future — he knew what to expect , ’ said Rachel bitterly , then as she caught sight of her mother 's expression she said hurriedly , ‘ Oh , I 'm not making excuses for him , I 'm just stating a fact . ’
3 It was partly because he was out of the top drawer , of course .
4 It was partly because he was tired and unhappy , leaving home and our mother for the first time … ’
5 It was precisely because he was finding Constance more frequently in his thoughts than any other girlfriend that Nicky was so tentative .
6 When he stood in the middle of the road waving his arms it was only because he was hungry and wanted his dinner , now you 'll have to trundle him about in a wheelbarrow like a dead sheep , you 'll have no time for skirmishing .
7 But really he knew it was only because he was n't Jewish .
8 In fact , it was only because he was chronically mean that she had lasted this long .
9 It was only because he was using his elbows all the time .
10 It was only because he was a civilised man that he had not .
11 He wasted no time in looking round and it was only when he was backing the van to drive away that his face could be seen .
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