Example sentences of "it be [adv] [adv] [verb] that " in BNC.

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31 It is also often supposed that there is less contact these days with neighbours and friends ; in Young and Willmott 's ( 1957 ) telling phrase , modern life on council estates is not face-to-face but window-to-window .
32 It is also sometimes supposed that their existence shows that the strong fact/value distinction made by attitudinists and intuitionists is misconceived and that in our language , as it stands , factual premisses can logically imply evaluative conclusions .
33 It is just not realized that it is possible or even legal to arrange a funeral without employing undertakers — a gap in public knowledge which , of course , the undertakers do little to fill .
34 It is already widely acknowledged that Germany has been able to augment her political weight , especially in European affairs , by pursuing her interests under the European banner .
35 The great endeavour which Peter Scott and a small group of inspired people began in 1961 may be said to have only just started to have the worldwide impact which will help mankind to learn once again to develop in full harmony with the natural world , but it is already indelibly clear that Peter 's influence and determination has been crucial in creating a force that will not be denied its place of importance on a planet which , in the foreseeable future , may be required to support a human population of double its present size .
36 As for the reform of the National Health Service , it is already well established that every hour devoted to this subject plays into Labour 's hands .
37 It is already now clear that the 1980s will stand out as a decade of impressive improvement in economic performance , reversing a long-term trend of decline relative to other member countries . ’
38 It is very well known that dreams often contain elements — visual or ideational — that can be identified as being part of the previous day 's experiment .
39 Neither of these extreme dogma is applied rigorously today , but it is certainly still accepted that 2-D form makes good pattern .
40 It is usually conveniently overlooked that there was settlement in the area beforehand and that for most of man 's life on earth neither iron nor coal has been particularly important .
41 Thus it is often erroneously supposed that a provision of the Convention which merely prevents it from displacing or affecting a particular legal right thereby effectuates that right , whereas in truth the sole consequence of the provision is to leave the matter to be determined under the applicable national law .
42 It is sometimes darkly hinted that there is little point of applying the rational expectations hypothesis to a model which is so irredeemably based on the non-optimizing ( i.e. irrational ) assumptions of sticky money wages and money illusion .
43 My bill falls into two parts , one which deals with the need for a full franchise it is sometimes mistakenly believed that we already have a full franchise in this country , but whereas legislation was passed in the past in order to extend the franchise , in recent years we have let matters slip considerably on the methods that are used for registration and no longer can we claim to have that full franchise .
44 It is currently widely accepted that regional divergence in living standards within countries is the norm ( Bennett , 1980 , 67 ) .
45 It is quite well known that at Christmas British and German troops briefly fraternized and drank together in no-man's-land .
46 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
47 The great Ewan MacColl wrote the hill walker 's anthem , The Manchester Rambler , as a tribute to those who took part in the Great Trespass on Kinder Scout in 1932 and it is therefore particularly fitting that Fay Godwin should have chosen another of his poems to end her book Our Forbidden Land .
48 It is therefore particularly fitting that it is a charity associated with the teaching profession hat takes some of the books left over at the end of the sale to ‘ sent to countries in dire need ’ , as Lewis Romanis , former Headmaster of Boroughmuir School , put it in his gracious thank-you letter .
49 It is therefore little wonder that the ASB states that derecognition will be rare .
50 It is therefore perhaps unsurprising that the problem over the loss of providing powers in Bedfordshire did not appear to be a major one in the context of such close co-operation and joint endeavour to promote the growth of rural adult education at that time .
51 From that point onwards , it is hard even to hope that Mr Wroe gets off with a ‘ not proven ’ .
52 Indeed , where studies have provided this information , it is typically only to note that the majority of the sample were white ( for example , Wilson , 1987 ; Graham , 1987b ) .
53 Recent outbreaks of salmonella have declined to sharply , according to latest Government statistics , but experts have warned that it is too soon to conclude that salmonella is under control .
54 It is too soon to say that the videodisc should be consigned to the scrap heap of technological history .
55 It is too often assumed that if a law is not designed to protect one man from another its only rationale can be that it is designed to punish moral wickedness , or in Lord Devlin 's words ‘ to enforce a moral principle ’ .
56 But it is still widely believed that it was a game which was avidly played at Poitiers whenever Marie , her chaplain Andrew , and Chrétien de Troyes came to visit Eleanor .
57 The finding of anaemia at presentation in almost half our patients is worth noting as it is still widely taught that this is an indicator of chronic rather than acute renal failure .
58 It is still widely held that the traditional or conventional nuclear family is the only suitable environment in which children can grow up and that any deviation from this norm puts children at a considerable disadvantage .
59 It is still instinctively held that those involved in engineering science should be useful handymen and will have oil on their hands .
60 Although it is still popularly assumed that men are more prone to fall prey to the ravages of ‘ burnout ’ due to overwork and unhealthy lifestyle , all the evidence now points to women , especially aged between 35 and 50 , as today 's prime targets of stress .
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