Example sentences of "it be [not/n't] her [noun] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Youngest on the books is 14 , but Dr Caroline Marfleet , senior medical officer for family planning in North Essex , stresses it is not her job to promote early sex .
2 Difficult to know how much children knew about the facts of life these days , and anyway it was n't her business to enlighten this one .
3 ‘ Our ’ health visitor was not going to be there after all because it was not her turn to do this session .
4 And she also realised that it was not her job to heal the hurts of the whole world — though certainly her very nature leaned in that direction .
5 She considered approaching him and asking if it might be possible for them to spend more time together , but the difference of nine years in their age put her in awe of him still , and she decided it was not her place to make such suggestions .
6 It was not her place to tell anyone .
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