Example sentences of "it be [adv] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Even those of us too young to have been part of it are still under the spell of the culture of activism formed around it .
2 On second thoughts there is nothing surprising in ‘ which we all use ’ ; how could it be otherwise in a family like the Marmeladov 's ?
3 In response to a further query , he added irritably : ‘ Sure it 's about sex — what else would it be about with a title like that ? ’
4 She 's one of several who 'd be unable to study if it were n't for the nursery .
5 Or I would be if it were n't for the circumstances .
6 Mr Lewis seemed angry that he could n't enjoy his freedom in the country due to the army — but he would n't be able to enjoy his freedom at all , if it were n't for the army .
7 If it were n't for the tailpiece , there would be distinct LP Junior/Melody Maker overtones , especially in view of Larry 's choice of pickup .
8 if it were n't for the games
9 If it were n't for the bit I earn I daresay me and my bairns would be in Dudley House an' all .
10 IF IT were n't for the presence of two eclipses , December would be one of the better months of the year .
11 Now we have to work secretly but if it were n't for the repression the Communities would be much bigger .
12 In fact , if it were n't for the program 's stunning speed , you could easily believe you were running a Windows application .
13 ‘ If it were n't for the children , I would , ’ Ernest admitted .
14 Peony looked suitably chastened , but there was a glint in her eye that told Peggy there was plenty more she could say , and would say , if it were n't for the fact that she adored the Vicar with a passion that bordered on the obsessive .
15 ‘ If it were n't for the fact that we have to spend time and pay lawyers to deal with it , we would find the whole thing laughable , ’ E&Y 's marketing partner David Wilson told ACCOUNTANCY .
16 Erm there 's been a reduction er , in the er , staff er because er er people have moved on and er , I take Sue 's point about er if it were n't for the fact that erm they 'd got fully e e experienced staff who 've been there some time , they have n't , not used to this churning over o of , and therefore , that has paid off in er in er in erm so far as being able to deal with the problems that have arisen and er , you 'll see further on er , addition profiles of the work that 's been done with er in this area over the town .
17 This could be a very beautiful sight , I 'm sure , if it were n't for the fact that the men all look like Jim Bowen and the women all look like your mother .
18 It was after ten o'clock , and he would be quite right to disapprove , if it were n't for the fact that , in spite of appearances , she had slept for only a few hours last night .
19 If it were n't for the fact that her grandmother had helped her grandfather form the original company of Sarah Chester Fabrics , that it was her grandmother 's designs combined with her grandfather 's technical know-how that had started the whole thing off , she 'd have written off all the Chester males as hopeless chauvinists .
20 overpower , you know , creep up on you , I , I 'd , it 'd just get the better of me Eric that 's why I got really the other one you see and that , I , I have n't come to any harm not having it , and erm I 've just got to get rid of this because it 's , I 'd do a lot more Eric if it were n't for the television , I know I 'll miss it when I get rid of it you see , it has been described as a plug-in drug
21 He also remarked , significantly : If it were not for the Union , I venture to think that women would be all over the London trade .
22 Well , Mrs. Jewkes , if it were not for the thought of that cursed parson I believe in my heart , so great is my weakness , that I could yet forgive this intriguing little slut and take her to my bosom .
23 ‘ requiring a seat belt ’ Means per regulation 6 of the Motor Vehicles ( wearing of Seat Belts ) Regulation 1982 : ‘ The classes of vehicle mentioned in regulation 4 are ( a ) a vehicle to which Regulation 46 of the Construction and Use Regulations applies ( see later ) ; and ( b ) a vehicle which is equipped with anchorage points and seat belts and to which that Regulation would apply if it were not for the circumstances that the vehicle —
24 Ironically , the Great War would not have been the war that it was if it were not for the machine .
25 The Rev Aaron Longwe , who has been detained and tortured by the regime for speaking out about corruption , told a gathering of former missionaries at the Kirk 's headquarters in Edinburgh : ‘ If it were not for the Church of Scotland some of us would have been dead by now . ’
26 If it were not for the scenes written after his marriage , The Elder Statesman would have been by far the grimmest play he had ever written .
27 If it were not for the possibility of physical delivery of the underlying cash market good by the seller of the futures contract to the buyer , there would be no mechanism to guarantee convergence of futures and spot prices .
28 It would be idle to speculate on what the figures might have been if it were not for the security situation .
29 From what has been said above , it will be clear that the Oxford English Dictionary Department would not be what it is , if it were not for the Supplement project lying at the heart of its work .
30 He would have laughed if it were not for the echo of the screaming in his head .
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