Example sentences of "it be [adv] [prep] [pron] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's not for him personally
2 Above a pair are just abbing off : they 've decide it 's not for them today .
3 I said it 's not for us anyway so
4 It 's not worth it just for one week is it ?
5 Depends how much ma if you , maybe new P C these days , it would normally have it already on it four thousand K of memory , and three thousand left could be converted to expanded memory , but it 's not worth it only use five hundred K of it probably .
6 VAT and for a small amount it 's not worth it really
7 Okay Mike it 's over to you now then
8 It 's up to him now , says Flynn
9 Yeah , his his number 's on the dice happen to leave him so he was on the race track , so it 's up to him now .
10 He has got to take the next action , it 's up to him now .
11 It does n't have to take a long time , it 's up to us here and now .
12 Captain Simon Webster , who leads the side out against Portsmouth tomorrow , said : ‘ It 's up to us now .
13 But it 's up to us now to sweeten it before the actual vote otherwise they 're just gon na throw their ballot papers away , they 're not even gon na bother voting .
14 Oh I do n't know it 's up to you Well the price has probably gone up has it ?
15 So it 's up to you really .
16 It 's up to you really , how you do it .
17 It 's up to you though
18 It 's up to you now .
19 Erm and it 's up to you then to plenty of time through the week I know you 've got nothing
20 That 's all well if you want it erased , I will I mean it 's up to you entirely
21 Perhaps you 'd like to sit down rather than sort of hover at the back , it 's up to you entirely but you may feel that you 're slightly uncomfortable .
22 No it 's just the plant , it 's just like it just produces a gold kind of coloured dye .
23 It 's just like it still surprises audiences .
24 It 's just like anything else , once you 've got it there are
25 Erm I think they , I think they do that during the day and then in the evening it 's on for anybody else who wants to see that take-off on cheeses .
26 and erm I went to a youth club and I I was speaking to eight year olds and they 're asking about condoms cos they 've seen them in the street , so it 's obviously they 're wanting to find out about it cos it 's everywhere around them even , does n't matter what age .
27 It 's there in her wonderfully thoughtful , inward account of Quilter 's Now Sleeps the crimson petal on the ‘ Blow the Wind Southerly ’ disc of British song ( Disc 8 ) , in Schubert 's Du liebst mich nicht in the Edinburgh recital with Bruno Walter ( Disc 9 ) , even more so in the tremendous outpouring in Von ewiger Liebe in the same recital , and in all the Vier ernste Gesänge with Sargent ( the version with piano is much less communicative ) .
28 So if you smash your glasses , it 's down to you So let's say we 've set a plan up twelve thousand pounds per annum benefit , a thousand pounds a month , yes .
29 Yes , it 's all round us now is n't it ?
30 It is not for me here to try to account for the common features of movements so different in nature as those we have mentioned .
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