Example sentences of "it be [prep] [conj] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I said it 's for when you 've got a blunt dart and you sharpen it .
2 what it 's for if you want one ?
3 In that trance-like state we drift apart , still staring , but when I turn aside it 's as if we snapped a silken cord .
4 And when a tune like that comes along , it 's as if they 've always known that song , and so then you tap in the song and that 's why you 're doing the record .
5 It 's as if they have a life of their own . ’
6 But when Gilbert sighs ‘ They give us names like paedophile , racist — all the names you can imagine ’ , it 's as if they wonder what all the fuss is about .
7 It 's as if they think there 's something wrong with me .
8 It 's as if they think I 'm really Firmin and then from time to time I just pretend to be this white man called Charlie .
9 ‘ The clubs have that much power over players it 's as if they own them , and this is n't good for the game in the North .
10 It 's as if he painted an outline — there 's a hollow here , and here — like a tail … and a head round there , like a kind of head , striped just here … and you 've got the blue — and — it looks something like a foot …
11 It 's as if he vanished .
12 He 's just not there any longer ; and it 's as if he 'd never been , for none of the things he said are heard any longer either ; it 's a bad dream , and the Leader does n't have to sleep through it any more . ’
13 It 's as if he 'd just had a snort of it .
14 It 's as if he knew . ’
15 It 's as if he knows one bad performance will result in him being dropped by Graham .
16 It 's as if he 's been wiped off the face of the earth ! ’
17 It 's as if he has heroically outlined himself , Lee thought , become the most significant member of the group .
18 It 's as if he has been drawn outside himself by indignation ; transcended himself ; literally risen into the air above his own head , so that he can see beyond the confines of his own life .
19 It 's as if he has just noticed an extra thumb .
20 ‘ Sometimes , it 's as if it takes a breathing space . ’
21 It 's as if it had a mind of its own ’ , ’ Grimma read .
22 It 's as if it 's always been .
23 It 's as if you go back into your childhood again .
24 It 's as if you 'd gone out into the bigger world and found out that it 's frightening or that it hurts , so you go home .
25 It 's as if you had been given not one vote , but a fifth of a vote .
26 As Theresa says , we usually try and censor them , try and say no , you know , leave that out , erm , it 's as if you had a kind of er censor sitting in your mind telling me , er telling you telling you er er , but it works with me too , erm what you can and can not say .
27 It 's as if you prefer animals to people . ’
28 it 's as if you 've been anaesthetized !
29 And although we often hear about different jobs being of different sorts of status , they 're on a ladder of status , its for unemployed people the situation is very often as if you 've actually been kicked off this ladder and this is what people say when they describe being unemployed as being on the scrap heap and so on , it 's as if you 've been expelled from this particular world where erm people respect you for having a job and know that you 're contributing .
30 When the wind changes it 's as if you have never played the hole before .
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