Example sentences of "it [adv prt] [subord] they [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 And then she checked Well anyway the week after he 'd phoned there was no what you call in it so he wrote it in to the damn thing and said why is it when some people puts adverts in they not only put it in once they put it in three or four times the same week
2 We been in Cowley nick so many times they keep a special room for us and inside it 's got Eddie and Rich written on the walls — and they do n't bother to clean it off 'cos they know we 'll be back and write it up again …
3 I slipped it off when they snatched your knife .
4 They smashed its skull … and then laid it back where they found it .
5 ‘ My daughter 's dog an Alsatian called Prince went over to the men but we called it back when they said they 'd kill it .
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