Example sentences of "it [was/were] n't [adj] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe it was n't easy for them to love you Robbie , knowing that you were n't their own .
2 My mother did n't like my seeing Rob , so it was n't easy for him to get in touch with me .
3 It was n't easy for him , all those women bickering and only a handful of people out of Dynmouth 's thousands ever setting foot in his church , and Mr Peniket sighing over the decline of church life .
4 It was n't easy for him , having to accept that God permitted chance , any more than it was easy for him to be a clergyman in a time when clergymen seemed superfluous .
5 It was n't easy for him .
6 It was n't easy for him to make new friends , particularly outside of whatever cast list he was currently a part , but occasionally it happened — as during the run of One Over The Eight .
7 It was n't prudent for him to have more .
8 ‘ It was quite usual for me to take on this sort of job but it was n't usual for him to make an appointment for me and only tell me at the last minute , especially when it meant working after hours .
9 She turned down The Fabulous Baker Boys , a film which made Michelle Pfeiffer an international superstar and an Oscar nominee , because ‘ I felt it was n't right for me ’ .
10 It was n't right for her to be spending all her time with this pansy Jules fellow or her elderly patron .
11 It was n't suitable for her at all .
12 It was n't necessary for him to throw the game in order to please the other man — his particular business was a seller 's market .
13 Ha Well he said he 'd probably get on alright at Horstell that 's the irony of it was n't necessary for him to go to Winston
14 Luckily they seemed to want , even need , to talk , so it was n't necessary for me to try to head him onto other subjects as I had felt might possibly have been the case .
15 And girls were n't employed because it was n't decent for them to be concerned with sex cases .
16 It was n't uncommon for us to be putting out a 16-page issue at the end of the 1960s .
17 And many women actually did take to their beds when they were menstruating and erm sort of retired from active life and this was n't possible then because so many women had been called up you know and they had had to be in the army or they had to work in factories and it was n't possible for them to be absent .
18 It was n't possible for him to have vanished like that .
19 All I am saying is that it was n't possible for me .
20 At the end we er , of the day I had to opt out because it was n't possible for me to fit in and someone else a , I 'm just thinking of the time taken for er , er housing manager or one of his er , staff to erm er , you know , to do that practical thing that 's all
21 It was n't possible for me to take time off work , ’ Ashley protested .
22 Inside , she was crying out that it was n't fair for her to survive the worst technological terrors that twenty-fifth-century man could devise , only to have her short life ended by the crude but effective mechanism of an old Steyr .
23 T. D. The discipline was tyranny but it was n't bad for us — two policemen walking along the road together , talking about women or football like everybody else , and they ca n't keep their eyes for crime or for offences being committed under their noses .
24 ‘ Actually , it was n't hard for me to play a man ten years my junior , because I was not only physically younger but I 've always been emotionally immature . ’
25 As he pointed out , it was n't safe for me to go back on my own .
26 I said it was n't proper for her to keep it , but she would n't listen . ’
27 It was n't difficult for me to fit in here .
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