Example sentences of "it [was/were] that [pers pn] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 So it was that they went on to do other things , but separately ; a ‘ beautiful ’ working relationship was thereby broken up , and two highly creative thinkers had their play-writing ambitions stillborn .
2 Naturally June could n't understand why it was that I went on cutting her .
3 So it was that I set out laboriously to catalogue the very schema of my own sanity , to list exhaustively the full range of my personal habits .
4 Laing was at pains to stress that at no time did he feel under pressure : ‘ It was that I 'd never been caught before and I did n't know what to do .
5 Indeed , why it was that she felt so breathless now .
6 And so it was that she died alone in a mental hospital — as Eliot told Violet Schiff , one of the few who had known them both from their earliest days together , death could only have been a deliverance for her .
7 She tried not to dwell on why it was that she had n't .
8 The pity of it was that she had n't made a bigger part for herself in the night 's scenario ; she was getting polite nods and hellos from people that she already knew slightly , and curious glances from most of the others .
9 As she stared into her mother 's horrified face it came to her how strange it was that she had never liked her mother , because her mother had never liked her .
10 And so it was that she did n't hear Andrew come in and enter the sitting-room , there to see his daughter dressed for going out in her wide-skirted jersey dress , her black hair hanging loose about her shoulders , and wearing , of all things , green-lobed earrings .
11 The ingenuity of it was that it operated exactly like a Jacquard loom , which is a loom for weaving tapestries without human control no matter how intricate or varied the design .
12 The worst part about it was that it stopped right in the line of flight of some bees who were working the field of clover .
13 With the national debate over the proposals to privatize the electricity industry gathering steam we knew how important it was that it did n't fade away .
14 The main reason that he was carrying it rather than wearing it was that it did not belong to him .
15 And all the time you were n't really there , you were somewhere else entirely , and the funniest part of it was that you ended up looking like a pro , like a model who lived for these moments in the public eye .
16 And then he wondered why it was that he had n't heard that satisfying little clunk the coin usually made as it dropped inside the machine .
17 Or perhaps it was that he had not wanted to turn Bertha 's disappointment with her daughters into bitterness by seeing him show too much interest in his son .
18 ‘ Perhaps — ’ But he stopped , and Anne was left wondering what it was that he had nearly said .
19 If Wooderson was any different from his fellows it was that he tried harder ; he had the old equivalent of tunnel vision , enhanced by a coach , Albert Hill , who had won the 800 and 1500 metres at a single Olympics .
20 A very famous Yoga teacher from India came to England and , after observing many Yoga classes , asked the instructor why it was that he did not first teach his students to sit , stand and walk with balance and coordination before teaching them the more complicated postures .
21 The reason Bohm could get away with it was that he did not submit his theory to this superfluous requirement .
22 It was n't exactly like he had to have an appointment , but it was that he did n't fit into the structure .
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