Example sentences of "it [vb mod] n't be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And your man Jimmy Hill said that afterwards , like that was n't fair , it should n't be done on that .
2 If research can be done in Holland and the USA , I do n't see why it should n't be done in Britain , except I suspect that some British police forces are just hostile to outsiders .
3 Present guidelines advise that you stick with breast or formula milk until at least six months , although some nutritionists feel that , because cow 's milk is low in iron and vitamin D , it should n't be given to babies under a year .
4 I I going to weight of of criteria first of all , I think this very great weight should be applied to this criterion because obviously if you can not serve the new settlement satisfactorily then it should n't be developed in that location .
5 Looping the loop is a perfectly normal manoeuvere for this sort of aircraft and there 's no reason whatsoever why it should n't be demonstrated to the public
6 Not , it should n't be associated with Darwin .
7 Now when it came down to it the national government essen sorry the Supreme Court essentially said if the national government wishes to create a national bank in pursuance of legitimate aims of the constitution then it should have the discretion to do so and it should n't be interfered with by a state government .
8 And they deliberately have n't said that it should n't be produced by child labour .
9 It 's our big day — our final ‘ well done ’ and goodbye to friends at Salford , it should n't be belittled by outsiders .
10 ‘ Cross breeds do produce some excellent pork , but it 's not wild boar and it should n't be sold as such . ’
11 But it was n't like that ; It was n't that crude , or even if it was it should n't be talked of in such a way ; not now , not yet ,
12 so what 's wrong with er it should n't be dealt with in a like a really serious way , it should be fun for everybody and what 's wrong with having a laugh about it as well ?
13 He was careful not to make the connection too often in his mind , the idea was bizarre , better not to believe it , certainly it must n't be spoken of , but at moments such as now he could n't push it away — and did n't want to .
14 But it could n't be privatised without a large injection of public money .
15 He tried to reach her again , and told the operator to put the howler on the line because the phone was off the hook , but the girl said reprovingly that it could n't be done in the middle of the night in case it woke people up .
16 It would have been no use asking him whether he thought there was a unifying purpose in life , whether it could really be chance that an animal so small that it could n't be seen by the naked eye could die millions of years ago in the depths of the sea and be resurrected by science to prove a man innocent or guilty .
17 And as it could n't be seen from the cockpit there had been nothing to remind her that it was still open .
18 Whatever else Christmas Day at Laura 's might be , it could n't be guaranteed to be quiet , he thought .
19 I knew it could n't be restored to what it had been in the old days , but there was still room for a club where members had fun rather than did business .
20 ‘ It 's some consolation that it has been found but it 's a shame it could n't be retrieved in time for Remembrance Sunday .
21 Each horse had his own harness ; and if it could n't be spared to be sent down to the shop for repair , the horseman brought it himself , got it seen to and took it back ready for work on the next day .
22 The size of a giant child meant it could n't be educated in schools .
23 But it could n't be working in the room if we had control of the numbers though .
24 But the er but it ca n't be done on modern alarms now because the bell boxes they use are anti-foam and they probably have two or three alarm
25 Said Mr Costain : ‘ We would have liked to build a replacement with a wooden verandah and steps , but it ca n't be done in this day and age , so we had to build a concrete one like Fort Knox . ’
26 It ca n't be referring to the ones the sons of the kingdom that are inheriting it is it ?
27 There 's one case , however , where a buyer can be told at the inception of a matter that the lease will provide that it ca n't be assigned without the lessor 's licence : the Ecclesiastical Commissioners and one or two other bodies insist on such a covenant in all their leases .
28 It ca n't be beaten on breadth of features — it 's a quality product with excellent support .
29 Erm unle unless we 're actually making that change as such , then the only way forward it seems to me i i is on the lines of which of which Mr has indicated which is that erm essentially the needs of Greater York are calculated on the current Greater York study area and the requirements are made on that basis and the supply is within that area , unless it ca n't be made in that area in that case it goes without that area , and therefore it it it 's part of the justification for the new settlement .
30 Well it ca n't be used for fox hunting now .
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